Look Who's Small Now

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Rose (Golden Prima) watched the growing crowds start to congregate around her creators. Old allies and devotees of the Autobot fraction pooled in through the open base doors, marveling at Earth and the reining species; humans. Among them were the familiar paint jobs of her own companions and N.E.S.T soldiers as they greeted age-old friends and introduced new ones. Ironhide was proudly sporting their new CO, Lennox, on his shoulder plating, showing off the Major to his fellow weapon enthusiasts with a genuine smile lining his face plates. Likewise, Bulkhead and Wheeljack were backed into a corner, boasting loudly about their charge's akin to wrecker behavior, even going as far as to let Miko show off her staple piece; her electric guitar, to the interested bots. Rose smiled contently; ending a million-year war and using the Nemesis to locate the rest of the escape pods or possible friendly Cybertron life signs had made Earth a popular host for the Cybtertrons over the past weeks. Rose leaned off the banister on the command center and hurried down the steps, moving into the flowing crowds. She paused next to her alt-mode, running her hand along the powerful metal, before throwing her driver's side door open and sliding in. Her alt-mode hummed to life, gritting out a muffled roar as she transformed into her alt-form. Golden Prima stretched out her frame, blinking the set of blue lights down her abdomen so they winked at passersby merrily. Ironhide sent her a distracted smirk as she cleared a path through the crowds, resting beside her creators as she listened to them continue their idle conversations. Ratchet smiled in her direction, his frame relaxed; something Golden Prima had never seen since before the war. Optimus reflected his mate, standing powerfully beside them, a much calmer energy pulsing from his EM Feild. First Aid, a colleague of Ratchet's from medical school smiled warmly at Golden Prima, his field blooming with a mixture of fondness and mischief, "If it isn't Gold Line...I haven't seen you since you were little...you've certainly grown and you look so much like your creators it's intimidating." Golden Prima smiled at the mention of her previous name but before she could correct the medic another bot rushed to his side, his optics thrown wide in surprise, "Gold Line! Primus...you're huge!" Golden Prima raised her optic ridges in amusement, crossing her arms at the smaller mech, trying to place the familiar paint job in her memory. First Aid glared at the blue mech, "Beat, I taught you better than that." Beat winced, smiling at his mentor fondly, "Sorry Aid...you did...sorry, I didn't mean it like that!" Golden Prima snorted, finally placing the mech, "No harm done Beat...not so small now am I huh?" Beat flushed, turning his face plates a light pink, "Well I..." Golden Prima leaned over him, placing her servos on her hip plating with a tilt to her helm, waiting for the mech to finish. Beat snapped his intake shut and stared up at her in awe, "I remember when you were tiny...I could probably fit you in the palm of my servo but now look at you!" Gold Line ex-vented and stated drily, "If we're reminiscing, I remember you used to call me miniature Ratchet...one because you thought I was tiny, and two because I scared you." First Aid interrupted into buoyant laughter, soon joined by Ratchet as they laughed over the flustered medic between them. Beat rubbed at the back of his helm sheepishly, "What it's true! I thought she was going to pummel me with wrenches any time I didn't give her something she wanted or was too slow to bring anything back to her." Golden Prima rolled her optics, "I don't think I was that bad." Ratchet shared a look with Optimus, something Golden Prima noticed with a teasing look, "What?" Ratchet raised his optics ridges her way, "You were absolutely that bad." Golden Prima shuttered her optics and retorted, "And who did I get that from?" Ratchet patted Optimus's plating with fondness throughout his field and voice, "I blame your Sire for any of your trouble-making habits." Optimus stared down at his mate innocently, "I do not know what you speak of, old friend." Ratchet rolled his optics, "The things he would get up to as Orion-" "You mean the things we would get up to Ratchet?" Ratchet flushed and the three onlookers erupted into laughter, watching as Ratchet floundered to save his ego. 

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