The Spark that Ignites a Fire

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Anese remembered thinking how blue the sky was between clouds, those fluffy ones that rolled in after a storm or just before the real snow came. Compared to the drab gray houses and walls and sparse green bushes inside of the fortress, the blue stood out like a fire on its own. Bright and brilliant, calling for all of the world to see. Just below it, the red of the robes from Lucan and Vanni. Then the red of her father's hair and her mother's as well.

It's funny the moments that stand out in the instances of your life where seemingly everything changes.

"You!" Lucan yelled from the doorway.

He was pointing a finger at Pela, and all heads snapped in the direction that he was pointing on the street. Anese had been made to come to a sudden stop by Pela. There was real terror in her eyes, the strain of which she was pulling Anese's hand. There was terror in the King's eyes too, and anger. Gods there was so much anger. Her mother's face was a frozen concoction of confusion and fake smile. Her father's wore none, a man ready for any action.

"Bring me her head!" Vanni ordered to the guard.

The guard, clad in black chain mail and yellow helms adorned with red gems in the shape of flames stood at attention, and snapped into formation immediately. In unison the eight men removed their tower shields from their back and unsheathed their short swords, holding them above their head in a ready fashion.

"What are you doing?!" Rikart screamed as he grabbed Vanni by his arm and shoved him out of the way.

"I order you to stand down, men. That is my daughter and her friend."

Lucan's head snapped to look at Rikart, "Friend? Your daughter's...friend?"

From the doorway Yalina began reaching just inside and grabbed the shaft of a spear that was decorating her house walls. She was watching with calm eyes as the action unfolded in front of her.

"Yes, a friend. She's eaten meals with us on at least three separate occasions." Rikart snapped back.

Anese still couldn't piece together what was happening but Pela was tugging her arm hard, tears beginning to well in her eyes and down her cheeks.

"Pela, do you know the King?"

She shook her head up and down and reached down for a rock, she quickly scribbled a single word into the worn and crusted ground. Bad.

"I fucking said, stand down!" Rikart screamed as he stepped in front of the Honor Guard.

Anese read the word to herself, then looked up at Pela, "Bad? Why bad? Did he hurt your family?"

Pela nodded her head up and down, and pulled again. This time the tug sent Anese stumbling but when she caught her feet, she was staring at another eight soldiers coming around the last curve of the road.

"They've got us squeezed in, Pela. We don't have anywhere to go." The terror of whatever was happening was beginning to well up in her throat as her breath came in dry wisps.

"Rikart! On your knees! You are to be arrested for treason and for aiding a known criminal!" Lucan screamed, his face turning bright red.

He shrugged off his robes and stood at the base of their house steps bare chested, steam emanating from his shoulders and back. Two soldiers seized Rikart's arms but he spun out of their grip, he reached for one of the soldiers short swords and had it by the hilt, trying to pull it from the scabbard.

"Aiding a criminal? Have you lost your mind Lucan? She's a little...girl...oh Gods..." Rikart struggled with the soldier but his grip slackened, realizing who the girl was.

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