King of the Wilds

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Draxx hadn't thought about the fire spreading to any of the buildings, he hadn't thought how the oil fire would be nearly impossible to put out, and he certainly hadn't thought about what to do after the Flame Sect shit heads had been run out of Dry Lake again. Here he was though, watching Pela use her magics and turn the ground into smothering blankets to put the fires out in the square from his oil barrel. He watched her make it rain mud to put out the fires that had spread to the shops and even used the wind to blow the debris of battle outside of the town fences. This little girl was seriously impressive, and he understood exactly why the Mad King would want her. Especially knowing how he would steal magic from children. She and Anese had shown up at the edge of the shops shortly after the fight ended, and Draxx had tried to get them to go back to the campsite, but there was no stopping two stubborn girls set on helping clean up the mess he had made. It's what he was known for, creating a fine mess of all things, especially when it came to a battlefield. However, Amery had come in very clutch for him when he came riding down the hill with horses and a bow and arrow. He had shot like a man possessed, not missing a single shot and reloading faster than anyone Draxx had ever seen. It was graceful and brutal, and beautifully timed. However, Draxx knew this wasn't the best of the Flame Sect army, nor even the good. This was the fodder, the weakest ones. The men who held some magic, but not very good with it or not very much of it. Too old to transfer their power, and most likely some of the first to have magic transferred to them. Before the Sect had refined their ways.

"That lil girl of yours, she's impressive." Poppy said, catching Draxx off guard.

"He. Not a girl, Poppy. He's a boy."

"Eat horse shit, you old bastard. That's a girl if'n I ever seent one." She said laughing.

Draxx pulled her arm, and put a finger to his lips, "Shut up, Poppy. Yes, that's a girl but we're trying to disguise them. These are the girls that the Mad King wants. I told you this already."

She pulled away, her soot-covered face in an obvious pout, "Ain't gotta be mean, Draxx Club Hand. Was just toyin' ya."

Shit, Draxx had made a mess of this too. First her town and now he hurt her feelings when he knew she was joking with him. He was on edge, things just seemed off everywhere and he couldn't explain it. Everywhere this girl went, there was always a battle. He reached out and gently grabbed Poppy's hand.

"I'm sorry. I just...I can't imagine what the crazy fucker would do if he had the powers she does. It's why we have to protect her. We have to get her to the castle where King Herrod will be able to send us to where we need to go."

She looked down at him and smiled, then started cackling, "Herrod? Do you not hear the rumors of your King?"

Draxx was confused, what hadn't he heard? He knew about the Flame Sect preparing for war, but what else could there be?

"What are you on about?" He asked.

She looked down and her smile faded, " really don't know..."

"No. I don't. Out with it, woman."

He was getting irate now, he hated games like this and he hated being the last to know anything. She looked at him and sucked her teeth for a moment.

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