Manipulations and Tactics

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The explosion had lit up the sky like Vanni had never seen, suddenly daylight for a brief moment. He felt the tremors of the shockwave vibrate through his horse and up the  heavy leather saddle. From his perch on the highest point of the Salt Deserts border, known as the Wild Peaks, it was easy to see all the way to Dry Lake. Sending the soldiers there had, of course, been a ploy. One to try and deceive the two little girls into coming out of hiding, instead he had managed to identify two new problems. The old warrior, Draxx Club Hand and the Feral Wilds' tool smith. Amery wasn't well known, except for the few contests he'd won with the bow and arrow. Vanni, however, remembered his prowess with the bow when the Flame Sect had crossed through Dry Lake and sacrificed some soldiers so that their safe passage could be had elsewhere. A little deception was all it took to fool those idiots. Draxx and Amery had both fought in that battle, no doubt taking a sense of satisfaction in thinking they had bested the army. Laughable, Vanni thought. 

He continued to watch the fodder he had sent to Dry Lake get slaughtered. Watching it, he had no feelings of remorse. Even if it had cost a few Flame Dancers. They were the weakest of the group, so there was no real loss. Another distraction for the Master of Shadows, he thought to himself as he chuckled. Lucan had been ok with this little venture, anything to try and ensnare Pela and Anese. Alas, they weren't here or they were still in hiding but these new characters would certainly prove to be good information for the High King. He thought about how well the old man, Draxx, had fought. Slightly impressed with his ability with the axe, though he was much slower than he once was. Way back when Vanni had been a scholar for Herrod and Draxx was one of his prized soldiers. Would Draxx remember him? Probably not, Vanni was a man of higher intelligence, where Draxx was just good at killing people with an axe.

He pulled the reins as his horse turned around, slowly walking down the narrow path of the salt mountain pass. He would have plenty to tell Lucan when he returned to their castle, and information was always valuable. They were closer every day to a full scale invasion on the castle, and since he had been able to bribe a Brother of the Shadow with promises of power, the Thanenor rebellion was building beautifully into an all out civil war. The supply lines had been interrupted, which took little effort as Herrod was distracted by the small skirmishes of the civil war and he was never really a big thinker without Lucan showing him the overall picture. Who was the Master of Plans now for Herrod, Vanni wondered as he led his horse further along the path where the low hanging salt trees began to grow in number. It didn't really matter, as he had already accomplished his main goal in stretching thin the defenses of the Emerald Army. The Flame Sect to the South, the Thanish civil war to the East, it was all so easy to manipulate when the only thing you had to do was promise a seat on the counsel to one of the most influential groups on the continent of Bree. He let a smile touch his lips as his skin puckered around his scars, shining a glistening pinkish white in the moonlight above, he truly was a Master of the Shadows and soon enough, all of this would be his.

As he rode through the gate of the Flame Sect castle walls, he sat straight backed on his horse to present an air of royalty. His red robes were fringed with gold that caught the lantern lights and seemed to shimmer, his horses own gold fringed headdress shone as well. Black smith's hammers rang out in the distance, and he could smell the forge fires in the air. The smell of preparing for war was quite distinct, there was even an electricity that seemed to flow through the castle city. Soldiers marched by in rank formation, looking brilliant in their gold plated armor with fire red plumes standing tall on their golden helms. Captains shouted orders and soldiers wordlessly obeyed, flowing around Vanni as he made his way to the central castle. War was indeed on the air tonight, had Lucan given the orders while he was away?

He pulled up to the entrance steps and handed his reins to a young squire, who was dressed in black leathers with red gloves. He never made eye contact with Vanni, as he slid off of his horse and walked past him. It was better the little people not try to converse with a man such as he, Vanni mused to himself. The large wooden doors were manned by two guards dressed in the golden armor of the other soldiers but they held long spears that were adorned with a clear red rock on the blade that resembled flames. They parted and opened the doors with an effort, nodding as Vanni strode by them. It took his eyes a moment to adjust to the brightness of the inner castle, as wall sconces were lit at one foot intervals all along the inside, where the large tapestries didn't hang from ceiling to floor. How he loved his home, how it warmed him to see such extravagant eye candies. Golden sconces with ruby lined rims, beautifully woven tapestries depicting the conquering of the Feral Wilds, mosaic tiling on the floors done in patterns of fire. This was a castle to truly behold, something to be proud of where Herrod's was mostly unadorned and plain of structure. 

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