The First Sign of Trouble

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Draxx knew that traveling from Crag, he'd have to go through Dry Lake and then Red Sands. All just to get to the actual province's of the Emerald Kingdom. Once out of Red Sands, you'd have to cut through Thanish lands and those fuckers were hardly hospitable to anyone outside of their borders. The amount of rations needed for four travelers were already a lot, luckily enough though, Amery had a storage of dried meat and cheeses that would suffice. On top of sleeping supplies, tents, water skins, and a few pots. This expedition was already cumbersome, now throw in the fact that they'd all be walking until the outskirts of Dry Lake and this was all becoming a lot. He hated it, he knew the little girl had done something to him. It was the way she spoke and the look in her eyes that made him feel compelled. He knew it was right to help to them, but he still didn't want to be involved with something that had the potential to be much larger than he could hope to handle.

They had tied down the sleeping bags and tents to Nila's side saddle, then used the seat as another tie down spot for all the food and extra wares they needed to bring. As they began their walk out of Crag, they had decided to keep off the roads and use the critter trails to keep themselves from being out in the open. The Flame Sect were hell bent on taking Pela, is what Anese explained at first. So, it just made sense to keep out of the prying eyes. Once they were able to reach the stables of Dry Lake, Amery was going to buy a few horses to help with the journey. Still, they'd need to keep the girls from view. Draxx had thought long and hard about this. Coming up with only one conclusion.

"We need to cut both of you girls' hair." He said abruptly.

They had been walking through the twisted pines of the Crag forest, slowly making their way downhill on forest rocks and some steep drops that made for unsure footing. Amery was leading the way, scouting ahead as he went. He was followed by Anese who seemed to tiptoe through every step. Almost as if she didn't want to dirty her shoes. She was wearing peasants garb, a simple brown linen dress, but also was bundled up in thick furs. Pela was pretty much the same, except that her furs had a hood that concealed much of her face. She, however, seemed to relish walking in the mud. They both stopped and turned to look at Draxx, questioningly.

"Cut our hair? Why? I've never cut my hair, my mother..." Anese trailed off, as the mention of her mother brought instant tears to her eyes.

Pela reached out and grabbed Anese by the hand.

"The Flame Sect is expecting girls. If we cut your hair and keep you bundled up enough, no one will look twice."

Amery came walking back up the tiny path, pushing limbs out his way, "He's right. Ain't thought of that, but that's a smart idea."

"I'm not cutting my hair." Anese said as she pulled her hand from Pela. She crossed her arms and stamped a foot into the soft mossy ground, next to a boulder larger than her.

"Now look, you asked me to help. You're not too capable of doing this by yourself-"

"We made it just fine to Crag without you." She said defiantly.

"Aye, half dead. Pela here passed out on my doorstep and you looked no better for the wear." Amery said as he came up behind and tried put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

She brushed it off and spun around on him, "Half dead? Half dead?!"

She broke down and covered her face with her dirt sodden hands. Pela hugged her tight and looked up at Draxx with pleading eyes.

"Now don't be pulling your little mind trick again. This has to happen. We can't just be prancing around the woods with two very recognizable little girls. I imagine, if what you say is true, when we get to Dry Lake there will be soldiers crawling around looking for you everywhere."

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