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I can't believe how much my life has drastically changed during the past few days. As chaotic as it's been with all the sneaking out (in my part), teaching Tomarus magic, learning to bake from Wilson, almost blowing up the kitchen which ended with Tomarus and I being kicked out of the kitchen, research more about Nurmengard and the emotional roller coaster I would trade it for the world. I've come to like this little family we've created, we all come in different shape, size and personalities, yet we just work.

Wilson is the silent deadly kind of person and he has an extremely amount of patience it takes a lot to make him snap, especially with Tomarus. The amount of trouble we have caused, I'm surprised he only snaped twice. Tomarus and I have managed to create portal of some sort (technically it wasn't a portal more like a huge hole in the wall that had weird things coming out of it) because we wanted to see if we could technically travel through portals like the movies, which we can't or at least we have not succeeded yet. Wilson still managed to stay calm throughout the whole situation while we were panicking, Tomarus and I also have managed to redecorate Wilson's "room" with different plants we mangaged to in Wilson's word " summon from extinction", yet he still didn't get mad, the only time he did was went either Tomarus or I got injured while testing magical theories we had or saw in movies. Wilson is bloody scary when he's mad. Even though he was mad he never made us feel bad if we fail or told us to stop all he wanted was for us to be careful and be safe.

Compare to Wilson, Tomarus is more curious and more of a free spirit, he always looks on the bright side, he never let all of our failures bring him down, he always looks forward for when we actually accomplished or proved a theory right. Tomarus has a weak spot for Wilson and would do anything in his power to keep him safe and happy and because of this there's some theories that we will never test out because Wilson says banned them and whatever makes him happy Tomarus is willing to do.

Even with our adventurous days my favourites are those we all spent together in the study reading and enjoying each others company or talking to each other, sometimes we go out, but those moments we stayed in door in the study reading, painting and learning new things are the best

Even though I'll never admit it out loud to anyone, beside maybe Nagini, someday Tomarus and Wilson, I've become way to attached and care about them way more than I attended, but I'll probably do anything in my power to keep them safe and happy

Because of Tomarus, Wilson, Christopher and Lucy, I've come to the realisation that I don't have to be alone and that some people do care. That it doesn't matter if you're different or have different opinions or beliefs but if there's love or at at least affections involved those differences means nothing.

The more time I've spent with them, especially the time spent getting to know Tomarus and Wilson is making me regret saying no, when they offered me a place to stay instead of the orphanage. I haven't approached them about it either, I'm just waiting for another offer.

Nagini is attached to Tomarus to the hip, he's like her favourite person right now (not cause he feeds her or shower her with gifts any snake could dream of), well besides her little Tommy of course no need to get jealous.

Speaking of Nagini and Tomarus they're sitting right in from of me right now arguing about God knows what


"Yes Wilson" I responded snapping out my thoughts back to reality

"Are you ok?"

"Uhm, yes why wouldn't I be?"

"You were making this face, so I thought something was wrong"

"Oh, I'm fine I was just thinking about that the last few days have been really eventful"

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