Chapter 2

17 2 1

  “One look is all it can take for the flower to bloom.” 

    That incident occurred two months ago.I had neither heard from him or seen him since.The only thing to console my worry about the boy was the internet.There was no news of his death,which relieved me a great deal,more than I care to mention anyway.Still,I couldn’t stop thinking of the him.The boy,the only heir to the Yasahiro family,who burst into my office to tell me his wish to end it all.

The conversation rings in my head like it was yesterday,my heart still bubbles over with emotion at it.His sadness and the fear,made me want to grab him and wrap my arms around him.To tell him everything would be okay and he would never be hurt again.

But now he was gone,I had no idea where he was or what he may be doing now.I could only pray he was...okay.

Now it was back to the present,where I had more patients than i could keep track of and I couldn’t handle them all at once along with my love for a 17 year old suicidal child.

I needed to keep love out of my work,which was proving impossible do.

Even after 2 months of him being gone,my loved had not dissipated which I hoped for,but instead manifested into something pulsing stronger than any emotion I had ever felt before.

I gave an irritated sigh and abandoned my paperwork,removing my glasses and setting them aside.

I was an old man already,at least compared to him.He was 17 and I was just about to hit 30.Which is depressing.The age difference is 13 years.


I rubbed my temples in frustration.

Then the telephone rang.

“Yes Julian?” My irritation was clear.

“Sorry to interrupt sir,you’ve got the school talk in half an hour.You had better head out now.”

Ah shit.I forgot about that,I had to talk to a bunch of high school brats about bullying and its affect of people.

Why did that remind me of Akihiko?


“Yes.Yes.Yes.I know!” I growled and slammed the phone down.

I need more sleep.

I put my glasses on and grabbed my bag,and headed out the door,slamming it shut on  my way out.

“Your coat sir.” Julian said handing me my brown over coat.

“Thanks.” I grumbled.

I opened the glass door and left my air conditioned comfort.

“Don’t forget to smile!” Julian called after me.

Her attitude was growing these days.I found it irritating.

I frowned,god I was going to get wrinkled from this.

The drive in my old mercedes was a long one.This high school was in the Shibuya district,while my office was in the Minato District,what a pain.Why couldn’t they ask a local psychiatrist to attend?I groaned.

The highway stretched on and eventually I hit Shibuya,following the directions I eventually found the school and somehow I was early.

I groaned again and hit the back of my head on the head rest.How did I manage this?

No matter,any school will have a canteen,I needed some coffee.

I grabbed my things and exited the car making sure to lock it.

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