Chapter 3

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[Akihiko’s POV]

“Tainted memories corrupt the heart.”

I had made an appointment with a psychiatrist.A unnaturally beautiful one at that,who made me pant much more than my running away from his office had.

He had convinced me to not kill myself and saved me from bullies.

How much was this man going to do for me?

Now all of a sudden,with no money to pay for it,I was going to start talking to him,about my life.

I felt the heat rise in my face,I had never done anything like that before.

I was never good at that.During the time i had that I was with my family, I was told to stay quiet.I was the heir,therefore I was supposed to show my obedience to my father.

I cringed at the thought of him.But being who I was,I couldn’t hate him.He provided and cared for me,I was alive thanks to him.

Sometimes I wish that wasn’t so.

Walking out onto the road,into the cool evening air.I wondered idly how Aira was feeling about this.She didn’t know I had been kidnapped by a psychiatrist from school and taken back to his office.

I flipped out my cellphone,and sent her a text,I felt too emotionally drained to talk to her.

“Am safe.Left school early.Heading home now.”

She would still be mad,I didn’t mind it.At least Aria didn’t hit and didn’t touch.

Tears stung my eyes again.

I needed to get home.

I needed to stop thinking of the psychiatrist,of school,of home and of family.I wasn’t running from it,I was just..leaving it till later.

I realized along the way,while buried in my thoughts,i must’ve taken a wrong turn.

Suddenly the road was different and I was on a path I had never seen.

I was now lost.I sighed.

My legs started to ache and burn and I gave up walking,I should’ve texted her that I didn’t know how to get back home from his office.

I collapsed against the wall and sank to the floor,curling up into a ball.

The cuts and bruises stung and burned into my flesh.

Soon, I closed my eyes.My thoughts drifted way from my family and my home onto the gorgeous psychiatrist I was going to see tomorrow.

I hadn’t even told him when I’d stop by.

I smiled.

My eyes closed and I drifted away on the street corner.

When I eventually came around,I was back home on the sofa covered in one too many blankets,at least I was warm and by the comforting smells of food I felt safe.

Aria’s back was turned to me,her hands moving swiftly and skillfully in the kitchen.

I shifted to a sitting position and beamed a loving smile at her.

“Don’t smile at me like that.” Her voice was hard and she stayed with her back facing me.

I flinched at her tone.

I couldn’t help that reaction,whenever people were mad my body would just tense.I blinked away the memories.

She turned back,her brow turned down in a frown.She placed the plates of food down with a sharp clatter on the counter.

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