Chapter 4

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"Bond to break past the boundaries of friendship”

The appointment time came so much quicker than I had hoped,by the time it was half an hour close I was jittery.I walked to the shower,I used my grapefruit soap and shampoo,and I even shaved my legs.Sure guys don’t do that,but something about soft skin on my legs was appealing to me.Unlike hairy ones.

As I stepped out,I smelled wonderfully of grapefruit,my whole bathroom was in fact smelling on grapefruit, it mixed in with the steam from the shower making some kind of fruity haze around me.

My hair stuck stubbornly to my scalp,I towel dried it making it stick up and fluff out,I gave an irritated sigh and flattened it.Soon I gave up.

I pulled on a black shirt and jeans and exited the bathroom.

It struck me outside how I didn’t glance at my body at all in the mirror.Another thing that I grown to do.

Bad memories came with my naked figure,sometimes I don’t even realize that I do it.

I ignored that and slipped my shoes on and grabbed a jacket,my bed side clock read 5.

I would make it by 5:30 and i’m sure he would be nose deep in his 50 shades of Grey.

It was a good book I must admit it.

I smiled at the recollection.

Just like two months ago.

I head for the door and my Aunt stops me.

“I’m driving you.I want to meet this Yagano Kisa.” She says his name with some sort of distaste.I bite my tongue to stop from shouting out at her.

I stifle my groan and nod.I need to co operate with her.

The drive to his office was a silent one.I couldn’t tell wether she was mad at me or apprehensive.I was definetly apprehensive,more than.

Would he ask me questions?

Would it be like some sort of test?

Strings of questions ran through my head.

My stomach churned as the car pulled up outside his office.

My Aunt walked up with me,holding my hand,I wasn’t sure why.

I pushed the door open and allowed her to walk through first.

The secretary caught my eye.

“You!” She screeched and the office door at the back swung open and revealed my absolutely gorgeous psychiatrist.I didn’t even think it was possible for him to look so much sexier today than yesterday.

His light brown hair was tussled and messy and caught the evening sun,making it shine gold.His  hazel eyes looked deep into mine and they glinted with mischief.

He smirked.

“Welcome back Yasahiro-san, have you come to disturb me once again?” Then he caught the eyes of my Aunt. ‘Ah.Is this your...mother?”

“Uh...‘ I felt like laughing,she looked nothing like my mother! Although,maybe to other people she did. 

“No,I am his aunt” My Aunt interrupted,stealing my sentence.

My psychiatrist stayed calm and walked forward and extended his hand to greet her.

She didn’t move hers.

“I’m not completely okay with this arrangement.Alright? He personally chose you so it must be worth a shot.But I want to see improvement.Understood?” My Aunts tone was harsh.I wish she wouldn’t be so hard on him.

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