Chapter 7

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[Akihiko’s POV]

“Innocence breeds love.”

Dark eyes watched me from a distance,the room was dark and my head was swimming.

“How DARE YOU!” A booming voice came from somewhere,striking fear in my heart.I collapsed to the floor,covering my ears.

I saw him there,the all too familiar whip in his hand.An evil smile lit up on his face.

“I will PUNISH you for this.”

Suddenly,I was naked.I curled up in a defensive ball.My heart thumping against my chest.

No.I don’t want this!

His laughter rang in my ears as he raised his hand.




I woke up buried in a silk sheet that smelled of cologne and leather,the after affects of the dream causing my body to shake.Where was I again?

I saw light breaking through the dimness of the room,I raised my head and saw a figure leaning in the door way.

“Good afternoon Yasahiro.” The voice chuckled.


I felt soothed suddenly,his low toned voice washed over me,comforting my raging heart.

“Ya..yagano?” I muttered, feeling like my energy was being sucked out of me by the bed.

“You slept through the morning.Might want to get up now” He laughed walking in and flicking on the lights.

He looked at my blood shot eyes, I must’ve cried in my sleep.

“You’ve been crying.” He stated,his brow furrowing.

“I...I just had a nightmare thats all.” I felt like such a helpless child under his gaze,I couldn’t even look him in the eyes,I turned away and pulled nervously on the sheets.

“About what?” He asked,reaching out and touching my cheek.

I flinched away from him.

“ father.” I said softly,I didn’t want to cry anymore.

He felt my desperation to get away from this,he retracted his hand and stood up to leave the room.

“Take a shower,I’ll cook something” He was angry again.I felt like it was my fault.

I did as i was told and crawled out of his bed.Oh.

This was his bed.

Oh my.

Where had he slept then? Probably on the couch. A tang of guilt stabbed me in the stomach.I should’ve stayed awake.

I sighed and shuffled over to the shower,stripping and walking over the cold tile floor.

I paused in front of the mirror,what I saw brought tears to my eyes.I cast my eyes away and stepped into the shower,pushing the lever to cold and letting myself get lost underneath the freezing stream of water.

Thinking about it now,the way he acted around me,made me feel like we were some sort of..... couple....


Dont be ridiculous!!We ARE NOT a couple!

My cheeks flushed and I was glad he wasn’t here to see that.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2013 ⏰

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