Chapter One || "I didn't ask for this!"

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Chapter One

Amelies POV ::

Amelies hand glided up the rail as she walked up the staircase to her fathers study. The staircase was grand and 'very much over the top' as she might have put it. A carpet draped down from the top of the staircase falling gracefully to the bottom. It was a frost brown type of colour, wooden. The kind of colour that just reminds you of having a hot chocolate in your hand and being cooped up in a blanket by the fireplace. 

Click, click, click her heels went as she climbed up the staircase. The heels were a deep black, an endless colour that would suck you up whole and never let you leave its unwearying embrace.  She wore tight fitting dress pants in a beige colour with a matching blazer. Underneath the blazer lay a white blouse and adorning her neck was a single necklace. Her black hair was in a bun and she wore no make-up. She didn't like it, nor did she ever need it. She was the type of girl with natural beauty. She had great brown eyes. Brown as the dirt you stand on, brown as the trees that shade you on a summer day, brown as hot chocolate on a cold winters day. Complimenting her brown eyes she had long lashes. The kind of lashes girls now wish they had been given naturally, but they didn't - those genetics had been given to the males. So, they used fake eyelashes to make up for the ones they didn't have already. But they didn't know that they look beautiful, with or without them. Amelie had a pale complexion and thin lips. Some gossiped and asked, "are you a vampire?" But she didn't care, she let these comments fly over her head. Humankind will be humankind. 

Bristly, she turned the corridor into a long hallway. The hallway was not dark, instead it was lit up by the chandelles light being cast down onto it. On the sides of the hallway there were tables aligning the sides with a circle shaped red mat, and on top of the mat lay an arrangement of flowers. Again, like in the staircase, there was a red carpet laying against the polished wooden floor. 

Amelie now stood in front of the door; her dads study's door. Her pale hand gripped the golden doorknob. She let out a quiet sign and took in the shape of the door. It was all and lean, a wooden brown in colour. Shaking her head she turned the nob and pushed open the door. Her dad sat in his chair, it was a basic black chair with wheels and it was comfortable enough that after the hours he sat in this room his back didn't hurt horribly. In front of him was his desk, it too was wooden like most of the items in this mannor. Books on books were piled on each other and pens where scattered all across his table. Bookshelf's alined the walls and a big window was positioned exactly behind the desk. Putting the desk in the middle of the room. 

"Always a pleasure to see you dear." Said my father. His black hair was now quickly turning grey and underneath his green eyes bags appeared. The worry lines now permanently alined his face from the worrying he had done in his youth. He wore a moth eaten marron sweater Amelies mother had given to him before she had pasted pasted away when Amelie was only four years old. But it didn't matter, she didn't have many memories of her anyway.

"Nice to see you too, father." she said in the most plain voice she could manage. Her father never really talked to her unless he wanted to tell her something important. The last time she had a proper conversation with her father must have been ages ago. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes my dear, I did." He replied. "Come sit my child." He gestured towards the chair in front of his desk. Quickly, Amelie moved forward with a graceful glide and sat down opposite her father. "There isn't an easy way to tell you this," He said with a sign, "but I will be sending you to a boarding school in London." Shock was written plain over her face and she didn't even try to over it. "Your sending me to London to go to a boarding school, why?!" Amelie half question half screamed. "I am perfectly content with my private tutors. There is no need for me to spend the rest of my two years in a posh boarding school." She had made a fair case but her father thought otherwise. "Darling," He said reaching out to touch Amelies hand, a comforting movement. "you can't live out the here in the mannor, you must go out into the world and met people your age and befriend them. There is no more reason for you to keep continuing your private lessons in the mannor. You must go to this boarding school, there is no 'but father-'s. My choice is final and I will not hear another word out of your mouth. You are my daughter and I know what is right for you. You are just a child." He finished. "If I'm just a child. Keep me here, please, with you. I will be good, I promise, please!" Amelie begged. "No, daughter," Her father replied. "You must go, I can't keep you here forever. You must learn some social skills." Amelie had learnt throughout her sixteen years of living with her father that once his mind was made up, there was no changing it. "Okay father," She said, her voice just hardly a whisper. "But I didn't ask for this."

thank you for reading <3

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Word Count: 1048

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