Chapter four || Alone, all alone

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Amelies POV

As Amelie held the up of bistful hot chocolate in her hand she came to realise that she would be leaving at the end of the month and not coming back till 5 months later. That is, if everything went to plan. The mashmellows in the cup of liquid where going to be like the obstacles when you try anything new, there will always be something blocking your way. 

She didn't know what would happen at the school.  But she supposed that was apart of the mystery after all. Now her mind wandered to all the other aspects of school, how she would look, how she was to act, how her grades would be like. All these small aspects would make up her personality in that school. For some reason there was this new feeling in her stomach, butterfly's? Maybe, she couldn't really put name for it. Yes was exicted, somewhat erratic to see what this new school life would be like. Another part of her didn't want this at all. Some other part of her wanted to lay in her bed all day and sip warm coffee in her own bed in the frosty mornings that came with the freezing temperatures. 

Packing, now that was another part to all of this. She supposed she needed to get fitted for her own uniform as well. Apart from that she needed to pack her bags, and mentally perpare herself for this new adventure. She might as well start packing now, better to be early than throwing her clothes and possessions in a bag last minute and calling it a day. 

Grumbbling and getting off her bed Amelie stretched. Pushing both her arms to either of her sides and yawned. She wasn't tired, no, but something had just drained her after that conversation with her father. Now Amelie had started looking around her room for things that she would need for school, putting a mental checklist in her head. Knowing she didn't have a suitcase (or cases with her depending on how much stuff she had), she would just throw them onto her bed from the floor. Now regerting her previous actions of throwing her clothes on the floor. She'd tidy it up after she'd put the other clothes, the ones she'd need, on the bed and folded them. 

Looking around the floor for clothes that would keep her warm in this cold winter she found some, okay looking ones. Folding them quickly she layed them down onto the bed. 

"Okay," Amelie thought. "only about fifty more peices of clothing to fold."

After folding all these peices of clothing she dusted her hands and then put her hands on her hips. She was proud of herself, and she would be. Folding fifty peices of clothing was not for the weak. Now, she just needed a few items that would remind her of home, oh, and toiletries. Grabbing a few marvel posters off her wall, stuffed animals, make-up, jewellery, and paint brushes. Done, there now her items that she wanted to take to her new school where laying down on her bed. Perfect. 

Looking around her room was almost, almost clean. Apart from the few clothes on the floor Amelies room was almost spotless. They where spalted across the floor, like paint on a artist canvas. Quickly, she cleaned up her room in almost no time. Now, after what seemed like ages of cleaning she had finally cleaned up her room. 

Sighing, she sat against the base of her bed. She was content now, almost happy. Maybe she was ready to start a new chapter in her book. Maybe it was time to come out of her comfort zone. But remembering the fact she would need to talk to people, make friends, and such thoughts reminded her of how she'd rather stay in bed, alone, all alone.


"There you go darling, wow, you look beautiful sweetheart!" Said the elderly lady.

"She really does? Doesn't she." Replied Amelies father.

"Why don't you do a little spin for us darling?" Questioned the seamstress

After Amelie raised her hands up to show off her new uniform and did a little spin she could loudly hear all the, "OoOo's", and "AaAa's". She was feeling self conscious. She didn't like being the centre of attention, and all this attention was now slowly becoming to much. She wanted to get out of here at this very moment, but she couldn't. She would be disappointing her father, and she couldn't do that, not right now when he was happy.

Thank you for reading <3

Sorry for the short chapter, I didn't really know what to put in it. But keep a look out for future chapters! :)

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Word count: 806

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