Chapter Two || expected

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Amelies POV

Amelie wasn't the, 'I hate you' or the, 'I wish you never lived dad!' But sometimes, even went she didn't need the extra salt in her eyes and her emotions to overcome her body.

There she lay in her bed. Face down in the wine red covers. Her hands gripping the bedsheets and loud sobs that made her whole body shake. Her brown eyes had now been graced with a red tint around them and it seemed that the colour would only grow to become darker and darker. Her hair had now cascaded down her back instead of the bun it had been in only minutes ago. "This wasn't fair.." Amelie thought to herself, "I was perfectly happy in the mannor." But in her heart, deep down, she knew that her father was right - and she was just being a big baby. "It's just a school." She thought, "Whats the worst that could happen?" 

Thinking that she should stop crying Amelie got up from her bed. The blissful evening had know was now turning into a mysterious night bending perfect together. "maybe it was painted by an artist." She thought. 

Humming to herself she walked towards her bathroom, which in fact was attached to her bedroom. Her eyes glazed at the books and clothes she'd thrown around her room in a complete rage. She'd fix that later, she thought to herself. Amelie's hand gripped the bathroom door handle and pushed it open. 

The bathroom was a fair size. The floor was a beautiful polished marble and there was a gigantic mirror which she didn't bother to look at herself in. She didn't understand why people cared so much about their appearance, isn't it what inside that matters? There was a double sink with golden knobs to the right of the door and just next to it was a stander toilet. One thing Amelie in particular thought that was overkill, was the bathtub in the bathroom as well as a shower. She didn't think that there was any use to two bathroom appliances that you used to get clean. Wasn't one enough? Next to the toilet was a window that reached from the top to the bottom of the wall. Again, this was ridiculous. At least there where curtains that she always, I mean always kept closed. "Who knew who was looked into a random bathroom?", Amelie thought to herself.

While placing her foot on the white mat underneath the sinks so her feet didn't get cold; she reached toward with one hand towards the sink knobs to turn it on. Cold water came gushing out of the foist. Amelie liked the cold water, it kept her calm in way. Right now her brain was too full of too many conflicting thoughts. Putting her hands in a bowl like position water started filling up her hands. After a few seconds she splashed the water all over her sickly coloured face. Now, she finally looked at the girl in the mirror. She didn't know that girl, it wasn't that girl who would play with her father; instead she would yell at him for doing something good for her. Gripping the bench top a tear fell down her cheek. Quickly, she wiped it away. She wasn't going to cry, not right now aways.

Emotion is weakness. 

Amelie turned off the knob and the water stopped flowing. Her hands felt around for the towel, after finding it she took in her hands and looked at it. She was now a mental wreck, I mean she always was. But now she was even a physical wreck to now. Her black hair now was in messy nots and was piled around her neck. Eyes puffy and red, heavy breathing. "Pull your self together Amelie..", She mumbles underneath her breath. "Nothing a touch of make-up couldn't fix." Grasping a make-up brush she put a bit of foundation on it, then started applying it to her face. "All better." She thought grimly. 

"Darling, are you in there?", Amelies step-mother calls. Amelie loved Gwendolyn to pieces, she was the closest thing to a real life role model for herself as she could get. Gwendolyn had thick brown hair that was also turning to grey and her big doe eye looked at her as she pushed the door open. She was beautiful. She had curves in all the right places and dark skin. She was perfect, inside, and out. "I heard what happen with you and your father, are you okay my dearest?" Amelie wanted to hug her, and never, let her go. She knew she couldn't do that. She was my step-mom, and nothing was ever going to change that as expected. Amelie turned her head in shame, "Thank you for caring about my wellbeing, but I am fine." Amelie says, coming out more cold than she had anticipated. "Oh, well then." Her step-mother said as she walked backwards towards the door. "If you ever need to have a conversation, I will always be here for you, you know darling." 

Those words where enough to make her heart shatter; to make her heart break into thousands of pieces. But she didn't cry this time, instead, she looked her Gwen in the eyes and spoke these words, "I know, thank you, but I am perfectly alright." Gwen knew she was lying, and Amelie knew too. Maybe she just didn't want to admit the fact that lying hide among those words. She just didn't want to be vulnerable and shown without her armour on to everyone, anyone. But right now, she didn't want to look truth in the eyes, she would talk to it later. "Goodnight Amelie." Said Gwen with a piece of sorrow in her voice, she was a strong woman. Sadness was rare, but it made Amelie feel that it was okay to cry, and it reminded her that she didn't need to be strong all the time.  Maybe others feeling weak made her feel strong? .. 

Extra scene :)

"I love her deeply, but she just doesn't understand Gwendolyn! I'm just trying to do whats best for her." Says Andrew, Amelies father with force. "I'm doing all that I can for her, she just doesn't understand.." Gwendolyn rest her hand on Andrews shoulder and whispers in his ear, "She'll come around one day, don't you worry. She just needs a little more time darling. She's in a ruff place right now as it is. Haven't you seen her mental health recently?" "I know Gwen.. I'm just worried for her as a father should be, I'm too harsh on her. I know that, I just can't stop the words when they leave my mouth. They just keep following out without end." Andrew signs sorrowfully. "Maybe you should try talking to her?", suggests Gwendolyn. "I will. Thank you for the advise Gwen."  

word count: 1147

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