Chapter three - Part 2 || I love you, I'm sorry

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Hi guys!! I just wanted to say we're #20 in the tag boarding, and its only been 3 days since I started writing. Thank you so much for all the support. I hope that you all like the story so far, and if your this far into the book I just wanna say thank you <33

Amelies POV

It was Amelies father at the door, she hadn't been expecting this visit and I don't think her father had planned to make his visit right at this moment in time. "May I come inside?",  Amelies father  Andrew requested. "Sure father, just give me a second." Amelie replied. She hadn't been expecting her father, so she just needed a minute to clean herself up. "Alright, I'll just sit on your bed and wait for you." Replied Andrew softly. 

Still in her bathroom Amelie suddenly remember the monster of clothes that was sprawled across her floor. Shaking her head she turned to face the mirror, it was to late to worry about minor inconveniences now, she needed to look at the bigger picture. Amelie got some face wash and rubbed her hands together in a circular motion, this caused bubbles to form. Now Amelie took her hands and rubbed the bubbles on her face to wash away any dirt on her face. After rubbing throughly for about thirty seconds she half blindly turned the foist on and put her hands under the running water in a cup shape. Then she splashed the cold water onto her face and tilted her head up to look at herself in the mirror. She looked okay, I mean as okay as someone who had just been balling her eyes out. 

Turning towards the wooden door Amelie touched the door handle and paused just enough time to take a deep breath. She didn't need to mentally prepare herself for this, but yet still took a moment to herself. Sighing, she turned the golden knob. 

Her father, Andrew, was sitting on her bed. He was fidgeting with his hands, not knowing what to do with them. When he saw Amelie enter the main room his head had shot up within seconds to face her directly. "Darling," He started carefully "why don't you come sit down next to me." Wondering if Amelie really had a choice in this situation she came and sat next to them. The old bed creaking underneath of the pressure of two people sitting on it, not the one person it was used to.

Neither of them completely knowing what to say to each other they sat in uncomfortable silence. Not the comfortable silence you sat on with your friend on Facetime, but the silence on where you waited for your test to be handed to you so you began. "I just wanted to talk to you about what we where.. uh.. discussing before. I know, I know, this information was told to you unexpectedly told to you with no warning, but I thought it would be the best for you, same with Gwen. Gwen didn't want to see you crying over a school" 

"Thank God." Amelie thought, "What would I have done without Gwen."

"But we have come to the compromise that you will attend the school for at least a semester, and if you hate the boarding school that much you will be allowed to come home and return to your studies here. But if you like it there, you will stay. With this compromise you must be completely honest with us, and you can't try to expel yourself out of that school. You must try to like it, at least a little bit. If not for me, but for Gwen."

"Interesting compromise." Thought Amelie. "It doesn't sound awful, but it didn't sound amazing either. Well, how much can one semester of school hurt? I'll be back home in no time and it will be like nothing ever happened."

"So," Her father said to separate the silence. "what do you think of this idea? Will you agree?"

"Okay father, I will agree to your terms and conditions. I will go for one semester, and if I don't like it there I will return home and I will keep doing my studies here. Alright?" 

"Sounds perfect by me." Says her father with the brightest grin plastered across his face. She'd never seen him happy. I mean, well, she had seen him happy, but never this overflowing with joy and happiness. This was a different type of emotion that her father was feeling that even made her seem happy and fuzzy inside. It made her face expose how she was feeling and let a little, tiny smile appear on her face. Realising she was smiling Amelie quickly stopped, smiling wasn't bad, she just didn't like her smile lines or the way her teeth looked. They weren't yellow or not straight, she had gone through three years with braces to get them to look like this. She just didn't find them beautiful as the other girls smiles online. 

Backing away from Amelies bed, her father still had the brightest smile ever on his face. Amelie didn't think he was going to stop smiling, ever. 

"Thank you for agreeing, this means the world to me. And your step-mother" Said Andrew.

"I know. But I'm only going to the school for one semester. Could you email, or get someone to email the school notices, supplies, and uniform and such to me- or get someone to?" Amelie added, knowing her father wasn't the best with the new technology that had recently been added.

"Sure think sweet heart. I can get Adam or someone to forward it to you." Amelies dad said, still smiling. 

Adam was the Edward family's butler, you could say. He helped around with mostly whatever Andrew needed. He was very helpful indeed, he was kind of like Alfred to Batman, with the Edwards being Batman. He was Amelies father best friend, and the closest to a real friend he would ever have. As Andrew was more of a reserved person, like Amelie. And found it hard to make friends.

"I love you,  I'm sorry about earlier.", Andrew paused, waiting for a reply, but when none came a hurt expression appeared on his face and Amelie turned her head away from him. Waiting for a few more seconds he walked out of her room and closed the door gently. 

After Andrew had left Amelies room and shut the door she lay down on her back against her bed. He had said he loved her, and he was sorry. Few words you didn't hear much from Andrew, unless he was saying, "I love you" to Gwen. And for "I'm sorry", Amelie wasn't even sure that was a word in his vocabulary. With this shock of a sentence her head was now extremely confused, but at the same time it was content. The agreement was simple and worked out for both of them. But now, she regretted it, she didn't even say "I love you", back to her father. She wanted to, she just didn't know how.

thank you for reading <3

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word count: 1189.

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