chapter five || shopping and outfits!

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Amelie loved outfits and shopping, especially times when she could just go out with a card in her hand and spend all day outside trying on clothes and trying on make-up. Just like any girl Amelie loved curling her hair and getting  ready for parties her father hosted though she may not show these exact emotions on her face. On the inside, she loved shopping and it was just where she was meant to be in this world.

After she and her step-mother had walked into the boutique her eyes had never been supised with such, blandness in a shop before. Her eyes where met with multiple shades of black and no colour was to be seen anywhere. Her eyes glanced around the room looking to see a colour, any colour to make her heart a little more happy with the choice she had made of going to this boarding school. But now all she could feel was regert.

There where mutliplue shelfs lining the walls with black, grey and white fabric sitting on top of them. The floor was wooden planks with a gloss finish and in the middle lay a over-the-top white concrete table with piller shapes on every edge and small details on the sides spiraling into a beautiful display. Just above the table hung an even more over-the-top chandelier with what seemed to be diamonds dripping off the golden bars. It seemed like they had put in more effort into putting the table and lighting in than rather the actual clothes its self.

"Don't look so sad darling, this is meant to the best boutique in all of England.", said Gwendolyn with a half smile on her face.

This looked more of a high end fashion prison than an actual store.

"Welcome lovies, what may I do for you on this fine day?",  asked a friendly voice from behind the counter.

The lady who had just popped up had beautiful brown curls that reached her shoulders and had bright rosey cheeks that matched her round face. Her eyes where a soft grey and her skin a beautiful brown. She wore a tight-fitting grey sweater with a blouse underneath and a black tie. Her black skirt fell to her knees and red pumps. A small seamstress tape measure alined her as well as a small diamond necklace, she was beautiful.

"Hello, we are here to get a unifrom for the", Gwendolyn looked down to her paper in her gloved hand to check the school name. "White dove, prestigious school for thriving children alike." 

"Aa, another dove child here?" She said with a small smile. "You'll do great things I bet. Why are you coming into the school so late into the new school year? Shouldn't it be just around the end of the first semester by now?"

"Ah, yes." Gwendolyn replied. "My darling Amelie has finally decided to accept there offer." 

Amelie looked up to find Gwendolyns lips in a tight smile and her arms resting on my shoulders. Gwendolyn didn't want the seamstress to think she was a scholarship winner, did she? 

"I see. Come here deary, right this way." The lady said as she pointed towards a small black curtain behind the front desk. "Right through here."

Walking towards the curtain after the lady Amelie pushed the curtain way from her face and stepped into a beautiful room.The ceiling was high up and in this room there where three main walls, on the first main wall there was gaint windows with the top being more curved and the bottom of the window being more rectangle. Along the two walls on oppsite sides of the room where three 'booths'. There where three 'booths' that where bulit into the white concrete walls. Each of these small 'booths' had black curtains pulled back with golden tassel. In the middle of these small 'booths' was a twenty centimetre raise from the floor, a platfrom. On the back wall of every small 'booth' had a mirror at the back from the floor to the ceiling. In the middle of the room where multiple fabic stands with fabic flying off of them. 

It was beautiful.

"C'mon sweatie, lets get you all measured up." 

Walking into one of the 'booths' Amelie stepped onto the platform and stuck her hands out to around about ninety degree angles on each side. The lady got the measuring tape from around her neak and started measuring Amelie from top to bottom to get her correct size as her step-mother stood outside the 'booth' watching.

"Oh perfect! I have the correct size for you already made." She said with a smile. 

Rushing over to grab the uniform she came back and handed it to Amelie.

 "Go try these on. Won't you?"

"Alright." She replied as she pulled back the curtain for some privacy as she got changed.

Two minutes later Amelies father came quickly rushing in.

"I am not too late? Aren't I?" He questioned panting. "This meeting got into my way and traffic, you know how it is—"

Gwen quickly shut himself up with a kiss and said, "I am glad that your here my love." With a small smile on her face.

"I am ready." Amelie says from behind the curtain

"Come out and show us!" The lady, Gwen, and Andrew exclaim.

Amelie pushes back the curtain and steps forward a tad into the light.

Her uniform fits perfectly.

The blouse catches on all the perfect areas and her grey sweater hangs perfectly to her body. Her black tie makes her look young yet professional. Her jet black skirt that hung to her pale legs made her look elegant. She wore grey socks that went up to her knees and paired them with black leather lace up shoes.

"There you go darling, wow, you look beautiful sweetheart!" Said the seamstress lady.

"She really does? Doesn't she." Replied Amelies father.

"Why don't you do a little spin for us darling?" Questioned the seamstress

After Amelie raised her hands up to show off her new uniform and did a little spin she could loudly hear all the, "OoOo's", and "AaAa's". She was feeling self conscious. She didn't like being the centre of attention, and all this attention was now slowly becoming to much. She wanted to get out of here at this very moment, but she couldn't. She would be disappointing her father, and she couldn't do that, not right now when he was happy.

thank you for reading <3

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word count: 1072

sorry for the slow updates, i'll try to update when I can.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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