Chapter Three - Part One || I can't

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Hello everyone, just a quick note from the author. Thank you for all the people who have read this book so far. Also, as far as posting goes I will try to add a new chapter daily (I'm currently feeling movatied), but otherwise I will be adding a new chapter every 1 - 2 working days. Again, thank you for understanding. 

- Author

i'm Andrews point of view ::

The overwhelming gulit was clearly visable on Andrews face. His face was now wrinkled by worry lines and his eyes where sealed shut. His mind was a colourful yet confusing mess of over complicated thoughts fluttered through his brain. This was normal, seeing that he was a writer. Thinking up of lines on the spot in his daily life was normal. Now, these thoughts weren't about make-believe princesses and vampires. No, theses thoughts where about his very own daughter.   To what I might add, was completely real.

He knew he should talk to his daughter, he knew it was the right thing to do. But the truth was, he just didn't know how to speak to her. Even after the long sixteen years of raising a little girl into an somewhat independent lady was a tough job, especially for a father who had raised his child mostly alone, untill Gwen had walked into his life.

Gwen was like a ray of sunshine on a cold winters day. She was beautiful. The way her laugh always managed to grab his attention was mesmerising, he was inlove with her. He didn't think that he could have fallen inlove with someone after his wife had died, but he had proven himself wrong. Even with Gwen, there was enough room in his heart for Gwen and Madeleine, his first love and the person who had loved him after he thought himself to be decared unloveable. In Gwens eyes, everyone deserved love, no matter what they had gone through and who they where.

Even now as Gwen walked into his study his eyes always found hers within seconds. She wore a  long sleeve dress that flowed from her neck down to her knees. It hugged her curves perfectly. The pattern was a flower one. The flowers ranged from being as pink as the sunset to ones as deep blue as the ocean floor.

 "Hello," Gwen said "I heard what happened, I just came from a talk- well.." She paused for a moment, "you could almost call it a talk. Have you tried speaking to her? Maybe she just needs to see that this is good for her, and your only doing whats right for her. Maybe she thinks we're sending her away because we hate her, oh darling what if she does? How would I ever live with myself.." 

Before Gwen would fall into a ramble Andrew quickly sat up from his seat and walked over to Gwen. Slightly pausing before embarcing her in a hug. Gwen rested her head on Andrews chest and he held her even tighter, rubbing her back gently. "My sweet Gwen, please don't be sad. I will talk to Amelie about this and clear up this fog. I don't want to ruin our relationship father and daugher wise. Since she left I've felt this need to talk to her, but I haven't embraced the idea completely. But, you coming into my study has changed my mind." Andrew whispered quietly but soothingly in Gwens ear.

 "Andrew..", Gwen said "Im worried for her, what if she doesn't make any friends? What if she gets bullied, I'm starting to think this idea isn't quite the best one you've had in awhile." 

Still holding Gwen Andrew replies, "What if she trys to stay there, and if she really hates it we can send her home after a semester? If she likes it she can stay. But she can't proposely say she doesn't like it just to come home, she must be genuine."

 Gwen condisders Andrews compromise for a second then nods her head. "Okay, fine. I agree to this. But now, you must go talk to your daughter." Gwen adds lightly. "Yes dear, I'll go soon."

After Gwen leaves Andrew relises that he must talk to his daughter now. No matter if she screams at him or otherwise. Sighing, Andrew shakes his head and walks down the hallway and looks at Amelies door. Taking a deep breath Andrew knocks twice on the door then waits for an answer.

short chapter 

dont forget to read, comment & vote

 word count: 755

Thank you so much for reading <3

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