Aris and Y/n

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You were working in the Med-Jack hut, feeling a little down in the dumps. You didn't hate your life, but you didn't love it either. Living in the Glade with a bunch of girls, both sassy and bratty was annoying, and as keeper of the "Healers" You had to deal with them more than you liked. "Y'N! GET OVER HERE! GREENIE IS COMING UP THE BOX!" Harriet shouted and you sighed and ran over and made your way to the front. This was one of the worst parts of being a Keeper, you had to be one of the first ones to meet the poor greenie. When the box opened, Harriet jumped in, along with Sonya. Sonya glances at you, and you know what it means. You two were best friends, and you knew when you were signaling for each other. You jump into the box and gasp. "WHAT THE-" YOU start but don't finish. IT was....a Boy. You look closely, and the second you take a look at his face, warmness spreads all over you. He was....handsome....REALLY Handsome. His hazel hair feel loosely on his forehead and his skin was a beautiful sandy color. You couldn't take your eyes off the new greenie, and Sonya saw it and smirked. "Hitting on the greenie already? Shot, we don't even know if he's alive!" She shouts and you just make a face. "I'm not hitting on anyone-" You start, but then he jumps up, gasping for air, and you, Harriet, and Sonya all jump back. "WHERE AM I?" He shouts, his voice hoarse. You gulp and get closer to him, and he looks at you, but in a 'i know you' kinda way, and it freaks you out a bit. "Calm down Greenie. Welcome to your new home." Harriet says flatly, but he's not looking at her....he's looking at YOU. 

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