Part 10~ LAST PART

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 Harriet Passes out bags, and supplies. Food, Weapons, and whatever else you guys might need. You pick up some medical stuff just in case, but nothing heavy of course."Hey." You hear, and turn around to see Aris with his pack, and he looks terrified, but something else seems to be bothering him. "Aris, Babe, are you ok?" You say, grabbing his hands, and he looks away. "This has to be my fault." He says, and you tilt your head. "What. Why?" You say, and his eyes feel with tears. "Because of that stupid note Y/n, everything was fine until I showed up!" He shouts, and you hug him. "Aris, Shut up. It's not your fault ok?" You say, grabbing his face and pulling him into a deep kiss. He sighs. "Ok. I'm tired, can we go to bed?" He says, and you nod. You go to your hut and snuggle into the bed with Aris, placing both of your bags on the corner of the bed. "I love you." He whispers, and you grab his hand, and he intangibles his fingers into yours. "I love you too." You whisper, and you both go to sleep without another word.
In the morning, everyone is about to leave, but not before soldiers run into the maze, and you quickly pull a bow out and point an arrow at the leader. "Hello. We are the Right Arm, and we are here to protect and get you kids out." They said, and Aris looked at you, puzzled. "What do you want?" Harriet says, and Sonya follows close behind. "Come with us." They say, and without really giving them a choice, they take Harriet and Sonya, but no one else. You quickly take charge and lead the Girls out of the maze, and into a factory of some kind. Aris grabs your hand and everyone looks to you for the next answers. You look around, but don't really understand. You try to think. Harriet and Sonya were gone, who knows where, about 20 girls had just been killed by freaking grievers, and you had about 30 girls with you, all looking to you for answers and leadership, Great. You saw Rachel looking around, and she looked at you. "I think there's a door somewhere." SHe says, and you point to a 'wall'. "There." You say, and Aris clicks a button, and it opens. "Should we go in there?" One of the girls asks, and you take a deep breath. "We got out of that darn place, might as well see what we have missed." You say, but as soon as you do, soldiers come in, and rush you all out to a chopper, and everyone is confused. The Chopper takes you to some sort of facility. "Where the hell are you taking us?!?" You snap, and the guard actually smiles at you! "Don't worry, your safe Kiddos. We are taking you someplace safe." He says, and you just be quiet. You finally get there, and they give you fresh food, new clothes, and let you all stay in the same room, Even Aris. But that was soft of you, You may or may ot have beat the living crap out of a few guys to make sure he stayed with you, and Rachel and a few other girls helped. You and Aris snuggled in a bed, and he laughed. "Safe, Finally Y/n, we are safe." He says, and you give him a weak smile. "What's the matter Sweetheart?" He says, and you sigh."Is it just me, or does it feel like the Maze was only the beginning?" 

                                   END OF MAZE RUNNER POV SERIES ARIS AND Y/N 

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