Part 8

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You wake up and see Aris sleeping peacefully on your chest, and you smile widely and start playing with his hair, and you feel him start stirring, and he groans, and you look down, and can tell he's having a nightmare. "Aris, Aris wake up!" You say, a bit of rush in your voice, and his eyes flash open, and he jumps up in a scare, and you grab his face. "Hey Hey hey! It's ok! You're safe, you're safe with me!" You say, and he looks around and then at you and kisses you passionately. "Oh gosh." He says, leaning his head against your and you touch his cheek gently. "Aris, are you ok?" You say in a worried tone and he nods. "Yeah, I'm fine, It was just one of those stupid nightmares." He says with a fake smile and you groan. "I can tell you're lying. Tell me what's going on." You say and he opens his mouth, but shuts it and points at the roof, and you turn to see a beetle blade, and you see him go pale. "Easy Aris, it's just one of those stupid Beetle blades, it's how the creators watch us." You say, giving the Beetle blade your middle finger. "See this ya Ugly sticks?" You say with a smirk as you watch the Beetle fly away. "Ah, works every time." YOu say with a grin, and he smiles slightly. "Well, I have to get to work, and so do you." You say and he groans. "But I want to stay with you." He says, giving you puppy eyes, and you laugh. "Nice try Greenie, but we can't. There's a lot of work to get done." You say with a smirk, and he rolls his eyes. "FINE." He says, getting up, but b=not before giving you a quick kiss. Aris sits with you during lunch, and sneaks to the Med-Jack hut as much as he can, but that gets Harriet pretty worked up, so you tell him to stay at his workstation. That night, Rachel comes back, and kisses Aris on the cheek, and you nearly punch her, but then remember, no one knows about you two yet, so you keep your cool. "We found a way out." Janice says with a smirk, and Rachel grins. "Sure did!" And all the Girls get excited, and so Does Aris. The Sun starts to set, and you look at the doors, and feel worried. "Hey Sweetheart- Y/n, what's wrong?" He says, running to you when he sees the panic on your face. "It's the doors." YOu say, panic evident in your voice. "What about them?" he says, looking at them. YOu gulp. "They should have closed by now." You say, and he looks at you, panic starting to spread across his face as well as yours, and every other Glader.

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