Forms - 양식

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Please fill out the form with care, make sure everything is neat and in the right place! Fill out everything and be descriptive so I can write your character to best of my abilities!

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Please fill out the form with care, make sure everything is neat and in the right place! Fill out everything and be descriptive so I can write your character to best of my abilities!

Google Docs are what I prefer for forms since I can copy and paste everything easily however commented forms are okay.

Thanks for reading LOVE PANG!


Full Name: First name and Last Name. Include their Middle Name if they have one!

Nicknames: Who calls them this? Do they like the nickname?

Prefered Name: What name do they go by?

Gender & Pronouns: All Welcome!

Sexuality: All Welcome!

Height: Cm or Feet & Inches

Age: 17-20

Birthday & Zodiac: DD/MM (Year is not needed!)

Faceclaim & Backup: No age limit, please don't use deceased or problematic faceclaims. Ask me if you aren't sure.

Ethnicity: All Welcome!

Languages: 3 is the maximum! Include reasons and percentages!

Personality: 7+ Sentences please! Include both positive and negative traits!

Background: What has happened in their life up to this point?

Family & Family Dynamics: Include Names, Ages, Occupations and a short description of their relationship with your OC!

Likes: 5+

Dislikes: 5+

Habits: At Least 2!

Hobbies: At Least 3!

Fears: At Least 1!

Major: What do they study at SIA?

Opinion On The LOVE PANG and Romance In General: Do they care about LOVE PANG and LOVE'S CHINGU? Do they care about love? Does it annoy them?

Love Interest: Yes is recommended!

Love Dynamic & Tropes: Any Welcome!

Love Language: How do they show their love?

Behaviour When Jealous: How do they act when they're jealous? Do they even get jealous?

Reaction To Getting PANGED: Do they freak out, are they happy? Do they brush it off? Do they immediately try to find who there soulmate is?

Occupation: Optional! Could be an apprentice or a part time job.

Dream Occupation: What do they want to be? Do they even know?

Contact Name: What is their username online?

Bio & Profile Picture: Self Explanatory! Profile Picture is optional.

Texting Style: How do they text? Lowercase, Uppercase, Emojis, Emoticons, Are they online or never online? Do they leave people on read? Examples are encouraged!

Aesthetic & Style: Pinterest boards are encouraged or you can give a description!

Theme Song: What song best represents who they are?

Mixtape: 4+ Songs that they would listen to!

Quotes: 4+ Please!

Extra: Any pets? Tattoos? Piercings? Headcanons? Voice Claims?

Password: Read rules!






𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐆 ' , 𝒂 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒂𝒇Where stories live. Discover now