Grain or Sand, Nothing Is Extinguished Nor Forgotten

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Arctic foxes sometimes follow polar bears around when food becomes scarce.. 

In Jimin’s case, he’s learned to sulk around Jin or Yoongi until they’re forced to cook for him

“I said I got it,” Namjoon grumbled, lightly swatting your hands away until you were forced to take a step back.

Huffing irritation out his nostrils, he continued his silent struggle of fastening the last of the buttons to his cyan dress shirt with bruised, swollen knuckles. The multiple splits on his dominant hand—three to be precise—caused him extra trouble in bending his fingers around the plastic disc. The healing flesh pulling and reddening in what you could only imagine to be stinging pain.

You stood and watched in a fret, not wasting a second when the final white button was secured before you were reaching out to fix his collar and smooth the wrinkles across his shoulders; your fingers combing over the bends and curves of the soft material in a comforting pet, rather than a mundane task.

Taken aback, Namjoon lifted his shoulders and elbows to shake you off with muttered, exasperated complaints in his throat, only stopping when his protests turned into an agonized groan as he clutched at his broken ribs.

“Joon,” you whimpered, clutching at his sleeve in helpless agitation. “Are you okay? See, I knew they released you guys too soon.. Barely a day and a half was not enough.”

You thought back to the early morning hours when you were brought into their hospital room. Bandaged up, bruised, and swollen, Namjoon and Taehyung rested in their beds, doped up on painkillers. Namjoon was mostly coherent, grunting in pain as he attempted to sit up upon your arrival, the stale sheets protesting under the weight of his shifting body.

Taehyung on the other hand lay unconscious with a cold pack laying over his features. They had warned you he wouldn’t be awake for a while, but it was still frightening to see your usually feisty, fiery tiger limp and helpless in a hospital bed once again. At least this time it was an actual bed and he wasn't bound.  

The creaking of buckling wood pulled your attention over to the tiger in question as he struggled to roll over in his bunk with a lazy rumble in his chest. He had been like that since the afternoon you brought them back to the ski lodge. You had all done your best to sleep off the stress as soon as you arrived, some better than others, but you really wished Namjoon would take it easy. You were thankful Tae wasn’t being stubborn about it.

“TaeTae, are you in pain?” You cooed, shuffling to the side of his bed where you had been making your rounds since they'd been released. “Is it time for another dose of your meds?” Well, more like swaddling and suffocating them, but you couldn’t help it and you didn’t care how much they fought you about it. 

Taehyung responded with a light rumble when you pulled his blanket higher over his shoulder, the growl dying off into a broken motorcycle sound the second you brushed back his bangs from his forehead and replaced his ice pack back onto his cheek.

“If you keep babying ‘em, they’re gonna get spoiled,” Jin admonished from his bunk across the room, his attempt at a playful tone only coming across solemn and bitter.

“I think we’re past that. That one’s been living his best life,” Yoongi commented after Jimin had whined for you to come help him next.

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