Wed-e-nesday 6-14-23

11 0 6

Fuck you
And fuck him too
You two are almost the same
If only I knew
You tease me
He made me feel worthless
Yet when I'm around you two
I get so nervous
I remember half of what happened today soooooo enjoy drama from yesterday that I didn't put in because I had published the part before it happened!

I told S about B calling me annoying and she ended up getting his number from IT and texting him about it. All the while I kept ASKING HER NOT TO! She ended up dragging J into this, fuck you S, Ik you'll see this. Anyway, I told B that he might get a text from J and he said that if he did he'd block me. I told him that I'm not asking him to do it. If he was playing Fortnite with JY, T, and L. So they know about it👍🏻. B and L told me S called me annoying but Ik she didn't cause I was on FT with her. S made a gc of me, her, B, and L. S and I argued with each other infront of them, with me protecting B, for some reason. At one point S misunderstood and said she would rather "kms" then date B and be said that he could help he just had to figure out what to like. L thought it was too far and I got pissed at him. When IT found out she yelled at L first and then at B after I told her that he was the one that told her that. L and B said sorry. I really appreciate L being nice. He wasn't a bastard like usual. I mean he was annoying at first but he became nice. I didn't pick a side because I don't think I can. As much as I love S I also "love" B (love sounds better than like). He shouldn't have said that though, I agree. I told him I'd leave him alone and later he texted me asking is S was up. I said no, I think he wanted to apologize again.
I woke up early-ish and watched YT. I texted S and told her about what B said last night. I was right, she was asleep. S and I were on the phone for a little bit before it got glitchy.

At about 10:00 got out of bed and went downstairs. I finished httyd 1 and 2. While I was watching them I played on my Nintendo. I started and almost finished the third one but I had to get ready for VB.

I got there "early" and practiced VB with S, AA, and LL. I also found out AA has a phone gave her my number. Today was just scrimmaging. Our teams got switched around so we didn't have a specific team. During the third scrimmage IRS dove for the ball and caught with her legs on accident.

My mother picked me up and we got jalapeño poppers. Probably the best things I've ever tasted. On the way home I talked with AA for a second. When I got home I watched YT and did this.
That's today! Bye loves!!

My diaryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang