Friday 7-7-23

8 2 2

Set up
I'm determined
To set those two up
I hope it works out
Cause her mind is made up
You two would be perfect
I can't disagree
I'm working it out
Just be patient with me
I woke up at 5:30 again and went back to sleep. When I actually woke up I just watched YT. I was talking with IT but had to stop cause I had to get ready in two minutes considering I lost track of time. I succeeded.

When I got to the theater we played statues. Then ur was a name thumper.

We split unit our two groups and my group went downstairs first. GL and I wrote some dialogue for our scene and preformed it, kinda.

After that was break. I'm currently trying to set up P and IT cause they would be so cute together. So my plan is to get closer to P. That's step one, I kinda did during break.

After was the second group, period, time, thing. We went over the different stage fighting moves and worked with partners for fighting. I fought with EM, we made a pretty good fight. It went like, Perry two, perry 3, skull split/Perry 5, head cut, stomach slash. It was fun, it looks really good.

After was workshop 1. Do u remember what we did? No! But I'm assuming it was learning the dance for the first song.

Then finally lunch. After I finished eating I went over to where P, EM, GL, and R were sitting. I fit to talk to P but there wasn't a good time to talk about IT so I just worked on getting closer to him, like building up a better relationship. After some of us decided to play statues but then everyone else joined so we played 4 rounds of that, one with two watchmen😭.

Then it was literally more games. After tho was dancing. Then I left, that was literally what I did, my mom was there so I just kinda left. I mean people knew of course but still.

When I got to the compass hotel we went to our room, got food, came back, swam after awhile, went back to the room, I took a shower, and then we went to sleep.
I bet there typo mistakes but idc, I'm too tired to fix them. I miss him😅. Bye loves!!

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