Thursday 7-6-23

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Every night
In my dreams
You are there
Like my silent screams
The night before
You called me annoying
You gave me a hug
It was a warning

I should have known
You'd leave me behind
To you I'm not significant
But you won't leave my mind
Get out of my heart
Get out of my head
When I think of you
I'm filled with this sensation of dread
I woke up at 5:20 AM! WTF! I immediately went back to sleep. U woke up and texted IT. We got into a fight last night and she was still mad at me. It was my fault, I'll admit it. She needed time to think so I gave her time. I did a cute hairstyle, well kinda. I did a high ponytail with to thickish strands of hair in the front and a headband.

When I got there everyone was practicing the dance so I did too. Then we played the name thumper. After we learned the game GO. It's where you ping to one person and they say go, when they say go you start walking towards them. As you're doing that, the person that you're walking to will point to another person and the process will repeat over and over again. Very simple.

This time my group got to be on stage first and learn some sword fighting. We learned perrys and what ever the other one is called. Basically how to defend and how to attack. Then we just reviewed regular stage combat like the slap, punch, etc.

After was break, nothing special.

Then it was time to make our original scenes...yayyy😭. Ours was chaotic. Um, I'm a kid, GL is the "mom". R is the pizza guy. Let's just say by the end of it I'm dragging them off stage in hand cuffs.

Then workshop! I forgot what we did😉.

Our lord and savior lunch came. P finally came back, guys, we all started chanting his name when he walked in the door😂. After we all finished we played three rounds of statues. I did not do good.

Then we made dud blood packs, like saran wrap with water inside tied with fishing line. We got to "stab" the camp director S and then when we pulled the fake dagger out we would pop the dud pack in our hands. Everyone got to do it.

After we learned a reprise of the song "Just in time" that we did last year. The only different lyrics were the verses. But the main part is the same. It's like "We are just in time, for adventure just in time to learn and grow. Just in time to find some fun new facts and maybe we'll put on a show" that's the first part that was the same from last year's "just in time".

We practiced the dance more and then everyone collectively decided to be done and we all just kinda left. I mean our parents/guardians were there but we left at the same time pretty much.

I got home and by then the fight with IT had been resolved. I talked with her off and on for a bit. I also had a fantastic 10 minute cry. Helped a lot. Cussed out B and C. Yk, probably the best thing I could do then. I wanted/still want to scream so loud that B could hear me. Loud enough for him to know that it's me. A little later I started packing and MHJ called. I forgot what I had her as so I'm just doing that. I talked with her and some other people. I finished packing and went to bed after typing all of this at 11:20pm😭
Night! Bye loves!!

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