Saturday 7-8-23

6 1 0

Such a beautiful thing
Yet so brutal
You get to love
But you get old and brittle
You can die at any moment
Whether by gun or by knife
You can get heartbroken
Because that is life
I woke up at a decent time this morning😌. I stayed in bed for a little bit before going down to the pool.

I went back to the room about 10:50 and relaxed then went back down at 12:00 for lunch. I had a sandwich with fries. It's was so good but I couldn't eat much of it cause it fills you up really fast😭. My gram came for lunch, so that was nice.

I spent 1pm-4pm at the pool then went inside. I was gonna go in the gym but um, you have to be 16+ to be in there without a guardian so I waited for a bit until my mom came upstairs and then we went to the gym. I walked about 1.20 miles on the treadmill while playing solitaire. Speed: 3.5, Incline: 0.0. So not very impressive but meh idc.

After I talked with IT while convincing her that it very well could work out with P. Then I went to Barns&Noble and got two FNaF books and one pirate book :).

When I got back to the hotel I just relaxed. While I was talking with IT a kid I met AWHILE ago texted me. I didn't really feel like talking to her so I kinda made up an excuse not to. Then I went to bed.
Yk who I miss? B. Bye loves!!

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