Wed-e-nesday 7-19-23

9 1 6

So I wrote a story that I will NOT be publishing, just wanted to put that out there. Also, I've realized that stuff has been happening on the 19th of the last two months and it's not been good so I am scared to see what will happen today. Maybe I'll finally see C... oh no fuck that.

Anywho! The only important things were when I finally told P about IT he was not at all interested so my theory is that he either like someone else or he has a girlfriend or just isn't ready for relationship. Or maybe he just doesn't want to talk to anyone new that's probably it. Another thing is that when G came back to help direct, she changed half the fucking choreography so now it's pretty different and it's been confusing me and everyone else. Everyone hates it and just wants to go back to the more simpler version but she was like nope we're staying like this, so you know that's fun!
I miss B, like a lot. And what's worse is I might like P. I don't know, that's what's scary. Cause I still like B and C to some extent. For C it's more of if he liked me I would date him but I don't necessarily like him as much as B. But their both pretty bad options. I hope I don't see C today, that would be a nightmare- wait. I just realized on these past two 19ths I've been talking to C. Maybe he'll text me or something. Idk, I hope it goes by smoothly, I'm staying up till midnight just to make sure tho. Bye loves!!

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