Chapter 4: Nightmare

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Abusive background, accidental misgendering, deadnaming, cigarettes, alcohol, swearing, panic attack and transphobia
That night everyone's asleep in their rooms. 

Will's head: 
Will wakes up and sees that he's in another house with a lot of bottles and the house smelling like ash from cigarettes, he looks up and sees his dad. 
Will's dad grabs Will and pulls him up and out of bed making him fall to the floor. 
"I-I'm t-too y-young." Will says. 
Will's dad takes out his cigarette and burns Will with it, he screams and kicks his dad. 
"OW! DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE! You tr*nny b*tch don't touch me." 
Will goes into a ball and starts to cry to himself. 
"Such a p*ssy! Go! And! Get! Me! A! Beer! NOW!" 
Will's dad leaves and Will cries to himself

Out of Will's head: 
Will wakes up with sweat and his breathing hitching becoming worse, can't be able to control it. Shaking and looking down at his mark and punches himself, he screams out loud and he hears running footsteps and he sees the door open, he covers himself and cries. The footsteps stop then start again but slower and calmer, Will sees Phill's legs and then sees Phill crouch in front of him. 
"Winter? Can you breathe?" Phill asks. 
Will gets up and crawls away quickly not realising that he's close to the end of the bed. 
"WINTER!?! Phill shouts running over. 
Will moves back more and hits his head on the floor knocking him out making a loud bang making Techno come in running and seeing Phill holding Will who's out cold and breathing softly. 
"What happened!?!" Techno asks. 
Phill looks at Will then at Techno. 
"'S-She' h-had a-a p-panic a-attack a-and I-I t-think I-I s-scared 'h-her' m-making 'h-her' s-scumble t-t-to t-the e-edge o-of t-the b-bed. *Gulps* Then 'she' went back more then 'she' fell on the floor hitting 'her' head on the floor making 'her' pass out." Phill says, 
"All my god." Techno says. 
Will's head moves to the right a bit. 
"I'm worried, hopefully 'she' doesn't hate me." Phill says, 
"I don't think 'she' will hate you, 'she'll' just think it was a freak accident because it was." Techno says, 
"yea..." Phill says. 

It's five thirty am and Will wakes up to see Phill and Techno chatting he starts to freak out when he feels Phill playing with his hair he leans into it and smiles. Phill looks down to see Will awake. 
"ALL MY GOD!!!" Phill shouts. 
Will jumps and slides away. 
"Hey hey, sorry I didn't mean shout come back please." Phill says softly,
"Yea he didn't mean to, Phill does have the intentional f*ck up." Techno says. 
Then they all hear Tommy, they hear a door open. 
"DAD!!!! IT'S TIME TO ANNOY YOU!" Tommy shouts. 
Will runs past Tommy and opens the front door and runs out. 
"SH!T TOMMY!" Phill shouts, 
"You stay here with Tom, I'll go and find Winter." Techno says. 

Will's side: 
Will runs hard and fast that his lungs starts to burn more and more, he's noticed when he runs his he can't breathe properly but..he doesn't know nor understand why. Tripping over a piece of wood making him land on the floor hard and fast, he feels like he's suffocating but not understanding why, he starts to see black...

Just a Normal Boy With No 'Secrets' Trans Wilbur Soot High school/adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now