♛ Night Fifty-Five

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Yuki's eyes widened after being confronted by the woman. 'What?' 

'She's right.' Kaien stands up. 'You are causing trouble without realizing it, and I'm mostly concerned about how easy it is for you to go to a dorm with vampires and not be remotely afraid. But for now, you are grounded. Go back to your room.' 

I'm not causing trouble, am I? 'What's so wrong with finding answers? I know Kaname has something to do with my past.' 

Ichika turns to Kaien. 'A form of amnesia?' 

'Yes,' replies the man. 

'Well, then there's your answer,' reacts Ichika. 'You can never tell someone who has amnesia everything he's missing. Simply because you would not believe it and it can not be forced or it would give you headaches or even a migraine. All you have to do is wait for it to come back and it will come back. This is something that any doctor would recommend about a patient with amnesia.' 

Kaien understands that Ichika is just like Kaname. 'You are grounded for a week, and I don't want to find out that you sneak out regardless of what is said. Go.' 

Knowing, Yuki can't ignore their reasoning, she leaves the office. 

'I didn't know you would have some medical knowledge.' He sits back down. 

'Just the basics.' Ichika looks outside the window. 'Kaname left for a night, and left me in charge. Therefore, I have a request.' 

He nods. 'And what request would that be?' 

'That I can give Yuki permission to come to the Moon Dorm or not. You already know I'm a Pureblood, and you know what that means.' She folds her hands together on her back. 

'I do,' he knows enough. 'That you have control over the others if needed. If Kaname trusts you, I don't see why not. I know it happens sometimes that he or you have business elsewhere.' 

She turns back. 'It's settled then. Make sure Yuki knows about it as well.' And I will let the others know. 'Don't forget to tell Zero.' With that, she walks out of the office. 


Ichika waits for everyone to be downstairs. 

Takuma gives her a sign when Hanabusa is finally downstairs. As if to say everyone is there. 

'I'll keep this short. I've talked to the headmaster about Yuki, and I'm the one to give her permission if she can come here or not. So if she decides to come here, you come to me but only on nights that Kaname is not here. Like tonight, for example, Kaname will be back tomorrow. That's all.' I only do this because you trust me, Kaname. 

'I've heard that the girl came earlier today.' Hanabusa sits on the armrest of the couch. 'It's always the same and that she needs to talk to Lord Kaname.' 

Ruka agrees. 'Rather rude, as if Lord Kaname has nothing else to do than taking care of a girl. He proves it by being gone for a night.' 

Ichika ignores the conversation and goes back to her study. 

Takuma follows her. 'I guess that you had to show your Pureblood status. Even when I know you don't like it.' 

'Sometimes it's needed, and Kaname uses it with me being around.' She feels his arms around her and leans against his chest. Only for a moment because she turns to him and wraps her arms around his neck. 

He kisses her. 'You did great, and no one would ever doubt you. You know that.' He lets her go and sees a chessboard on her desk. 'Kaname has one too. Are you playing or are you looking for an opponent?' 

𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 - 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now