Seven: Telling Jimmy

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The following day after my little encounter with Aubrey in Grace's kitchen, it nagged at my mind. I mostly wondered what she meant by that since I've come back, Jimmy's acted diffferent. Unless he just acts different around her, I don't know what she's talking about. I wondered if maybe it was like when he was acting different back when we had all those arguments, and he was really distant. I really hope not, because that would mean that I caused that. 

I thought about telling Grace what happened, but I felt that was to stay between Aubree and I. I also knew that if I told her, Grace would hunt Aubree down and probably kill her slowly for talking to me that way. I may not exactly be on friendly terms with her now, but I don't want her dead. That would shatter Jimmy. Though that wouldn't stop Grace, she'd just say that's what he gets for being with her and not me. 

Though I was confident when I pretty much told her off, now it bothered me a little. This time, if Jimmy knew, he'd obviously take her side because she's his fiancee. This time there would be no choosing the best friend over the girlfriend kind of thing, because he wouldn't need to think about it to know which way to go. And that would be what I got for leaving, so that's why I don't plan on telling him. 

Jimmy was here with me, hanging out like we usually do, so Aubree didn't say anything to him about staying away from me. Well she can't complain this time, he came to me, so she can put that in her juice box and suck on it. But with him here, I was on edge because it kept bugging me, and I knew that he was starting to notice by the sideways glances he was giving me. 

We were playing Call Of Duty: World At War on zombies mode, just him and I. We didn't play on Live. I always loved the zombies mode on this game more than any of the other ones. As we reached level nine, he paused the game and looked at me. 

"Why'd you pause it?" I asked.

He dodged the question with his own. "Are you ok?" 

"Yeah. What makes you ask?" 

"You just seem... tense." He shrugged lightly.

"Nope, I'm fine." I lied. He nodded and unpaused the game again, and we continued our gameplay. I felt kind of bad for having lied to him, but I couldn't tell him why I wasn't ok. I knew that he'd take Aubree's side and I'd lose him all over again. I didn't want that, not again. The thought of losing him for good made me cringe, and of course he saw it, and paused the game again. 

"I think you just lied to me, because you don't act ok. I know when there's something wrong, so what is it?" Jimmy asked. I didn't look back at him and stayed silent as he studied the side of my face. I contemplated telling him, but decided against it quickly.

"Nothing, I'm perfectly fine, I swear!" I protested, but he wouldn't take that for answer now.

"Stop lying to me, and don't say that you're not because I know you better than that, and you are. Just tell me what's bothering you." He took the controller out of my hand gently and set them down on the coffetable, turning off the console via his controller, and then moved himself closer to me. My leg was pressed up against his as he looked down at me, and I stared down at the ground. 

"You know I'll keep bugging you until you do." He said, and I glanced up to see a little bit of a smirk on his face. 

"Why do you want to know?" I shot back with a little smirk of my own, raising an eyebrow.

His expression became a little more serious as he said softly, "Because I care." He put his hand over mine where it was on my leg, rubbing the top of my hand with his thumb gently. "You should already know that." 

"I do, but... I can't tell you." 

"Why not?" 

"Because. I just can't." I shook my head.

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