Twenty-Three: "I Want To Marry Your Sister" Part 2

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"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" Matt asked in shock.

"I want to marry your sisteeeerrrr!" I did as he requested, bouncing around even more. A wide grin broke out across his face, and before he could say anything, I said, "And, I need to ask you something." 

"Ok, ask away." He made a motion with his hand. 

"If I asked her to marry me, do you think she'd say yes?" I asked, and he gave me one of those, 'Are-You-Kidding-Me?' looks.

"Jimmy, it's highly unlikely--no, fuck that, it's impossible that she would say no. You're all she's ever wanted since seventh grade, and that obviously hasn't changed." He said.

"But I mean like, do you think she's ready for it?" I rephrased my question.

"Dude, you probably could have asked to marry you when you guys were thirteen and fourteen years old and she would've been ready." Matt replied, and I chuckled.

"So then I have your blessing?" 

He grinned again. "You have my blessing." I grinned back at him and gave him a hug, feeling him pat my back. 

"Oh, and, you can't tell anybody about this. I want it to be kept a secret." I told him after we'd hugged.

"Got it, keep it a secret. I can do that."

"Great, now I need to go see your dad and get his blessing." I said.

"You shouldn't have too much of a challenge there. He trusts you with her, and he likes that fact that you make her as happy as you do. I'm sure he'll give it to you." Matt assured me.

He turned out to be right, I went to his parent's house on my way home and told their dad that I planned on asking her to marry me, and right away he was ecstatic. I got his blessing without a problem and was on my way, leaving happier than I'd arrived it was possible to get any happier than that. So now all that was left was to get a ring and find a place to do it.

I still had the ring I gave Aubree, but I didn't want to use that one. I felt that she deserved better than Aubree. She worked tomorrow, so maybe I'll offer to drive her tomorrow and then go looking for another ring. As for the place, I'll have to give that a little more thought later, after the ring is taken care of. 

When I got home, Bella met me at the door and I leaned down to pet her and give her a little attention, which she was happy to receive. She sniffed me all over excitedly, happy to see me like she was happy about the attention.

After petting her for a little while, I stood up and walked into the living room with Bella right on my heels, curious to see where I was going. I found Elise in the living room playing Xbox, with her headset on as she played. She looked up at me when I entered the room and grinned.

I smiled back at her as I sat down beside her, my heart taking huge leaps as I remembered the decision I had made today, mixed with the natural leaps it took every time I looked at her. She took off her headset, telling whoever she was talking to that she'd be right back. When she turned her head to look at me, I leaned in, taking her face in my hands, and kissed her as passionately as I could.

When I pulled back, she just stared at me, blinking in surprise. "Well hello to you too." She said, and I chuckled.

"Whatcha up to?" I asked casually with a light, happy tone. I couldn't hide my extreme happiness, not that I wanted to anyway.

"Talking to Matt on Xbox Live and playing some GTA." She replied.

"Aw, I wanna play!! I love running people over with cars!!" I whined longingly, and she laughed.

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