Thirty-Nine: Two Is Better Than One

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Elise's POV

Today, Jimmy and I were going to the hospital to do an ultrasound, since the doctor wanted me to come back a while after the rest of me was healed to check on the baby, unless something had happened sooner that concerned me, but nothing did. He just wanted to make sure that the baby was still doing ok and was healthy. I was kind of nervous, because to me it seemed like my stomach had been growing more rapidly than it should be at this point in time, and therefore it seemed bigger than what was normal, though every pregnancy is different. Jimmy told me not to worry about it, and we'd ask the doctor when we got there.

The wait wasn't long to get up to the room, where a nurse tended to me for a little while, and then we had to wait a couple minutes for the doctor to get here. Jimmy and I sat there quietly, and I stared downwards, spaced out. I felt his hand slip into mine, and I looked over at him. 

"Nervous?" He said.

"A little." I admitted with a tiny, weary smile. 

"Don't be, everything's fine. He's not going to find anything wrong." Jimmy leaned in and pecked my lips, and I felt a little better having him here to reassure me. His voice was so soft and comforting you just had to believe him when he said everything was going to be alright.

Soon, the doctor came in and greeted us, sitting down by the bed. Jimmy still held onto my hand, with a confident smile on his face.

"You've been feeling alright since the accident? No sharp pains, bleeding...?" The doctor asked. That's what he calls what happened with Henry and Aubree. 'The accident'. Except it wasn't really an accident at all. It was a murder and an attempted murder, a horror movie scene. Though I've gotten past what happened, I do still have the occasional nightmare about it, but Jimmy's always right there to calm me down and make me feel better afterward.

"I've been feeling great, the soreness has subsided and most of the bruises and scrapes have disappeared or faded to the point you can't see them anymore. Everything's been normal as far as I can tell." I said.

"Great, that's what I was hoping to hear!" He smiled at us both, and looked at his chart. "The nurse said you had a question? About the growth of your belly?"

"Yeah... it seems to me like I'm growing faster than I normally would be, and so I'm bigger too." I explained quickly. The doctor rolled his chair across the floor to my side, lifting up my shirt and studying the large bump for a moment.

"Hmm... it appears that you seem to be right. Even though all pregnancies differ, and all babies grow at a different rate, you are bigger than expected." He said thoughtfully.

"Does that mean there's something wrong?" Jimmy asked.

"No, not necessarily. We'll just have a look and see if we can't find the source of this." The doctor replied in a calm, steady voice. We got ready to do the ultrasound, putting the somewhat cold gel on my stomach. Pretty soon, all three of us were watching the monitor closely.

After a few moments, and a few glances were exchanged between Jimmy and I, the doctor said, "Ah, I see now."

Both Jimmy and I just stared across the room at him, but he still had his back to us as he watched the monitor. "So... is there something wrong?" I asked slowly.

"Oh, no, not at all." He said, and I let out a breath of relief while Jimmy squeezed my hand. Then the doctor turned around, smiling, and said, "But I do know why you're bigger for only having one baby."

"Why?" I arched an eyebrow.

"It's really quite simple. You two are going to be busy parents, because you've got two babies there, not one." He told us, and I think my heart stopped there for a minute with shock, and then this warm happiness crashed down over me. Jimmy had a mile wide smile on his face, and he let out a couple surprised laughs.

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