Thirty-Two: I Know That You Feel Me Somehow

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Jimmy's POV

As we enter day three of Elise being in a coma, I'm utterly exhausted. During the day I'm haunted by her condition and all the could possibly go wrong, not only with her but with our newly discovered baby too. At night, I'm haunted by the same goddamn dream of her leaving me, never to be seen again, and I'm scared as hell that the repeated dream means that she is going to leave me and I just can't take it. I'm starting to lose my head, just watching her lie there like that, and I'd do anything for her to wake up and be ok so we can go home.

Matt had brought me another change of clothes, and right now he was sitting in one of the chairs behind me, watching the TV that was in the room. I could always watch it while I was here, but I just never really wanted to. I was more content with just sitting in silence with Elise. I felt kind of bad for making him get all those special permissions for me just because I refused to leave Elise, but leaving her just was not an option for me. I was so afraid that if I left, I would come back and she wouldn't be here anymore. It was all I could do just to get and walk to the bathroom, which was just a room inside of this room.

I was leaning forward in my chair, my elbows resting on my legs as my hands cupped my mouth, just staring blankly at where Elise's hand rested on the sheets of the bed. Suddenly her index finger twitched, and my head snapped up, my eyes immediately going to hers. Matt saw my sudden movement and quickly came over to my side.

"What? What is it!?" He asked quickly.

"Her hand... it moved!! Get the doctor, go!!" I urged him, and Matt jogged out the door. I leaned forward even more, putting my hand on Elise's cheek. "Elise, baby, can you hear me? If you can hear me, I need you to open your eyes." I said into her ear, and saw her hand twitch again. My heart was pounding hard against my chest with hope. 

Matt came back with the doctor, explaining to him that her hand moved, and I added that her hand moved a second time. He took her hand and asked her to grip his hand if she could hear him, and Matt and I waited with anticipation. He waited a couple minutes, but nothing happened. Then he just looked at us sadly for a moment before saying,

"I'm sorry, but it was just what is known as an involuntary movement. Sometimes when someone's in a coma, they twitch, but it doesn't mean they're getting better or can wake up. It's just a small muscle spasm." 

I couldn't believe my ears. How could he be saying that? She fucking moved, for Christ's sake! She hasn't moved since she's got here, and now that she did it twice, it's not legitimate!? What kind of sick game is this?

"I'm sorry." The doctor repeated again at seeing our faces before leaving the room. I started to feel so unexplainably angry. 

"She fucking moved, Matt. How can she not be conscious at least a little bit?" I asked through grit teeth.

"You heard what the doctor said, it was just a muscle spasm. Really we should've known better. We just got our hopes up." He said sullenly.

"No, Matt, she's in there somewhere and she knows that she moved, she knows that she got our attention! She must, she did it twice!" I insisted, wanting so badly just to cling to that belief.

"It was just a muscle spasm, Jimmy! A twitch. That's all it was! If she knew she could move, she would've lifted her whole hand or grabbed your hand, and she would've opened her eyes and responded to the doctor when he asked her to squeeze his hand!" Matt snapped.

"Maybe she just doesn't have the strength to do it! Or maybe she was only conscious for those few seconds! That has to be it!" I argued.

"But it's not! Just accept the fact that she's been unconscious for three days and counting, because she obviously isn't going to wake up right this very moment! You have to give her time, she'll wake up when she's ready!" He told me frustratedly.

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