Twenty-Four: "I Want To Marry Your Sister" Part 3

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The next day, I decided to go and ask Matthew for his help on how I could propose to his sister. I was choosing him for two reasons. The first reason was that he was the only one who knew about my plans, and the second reason was that he was her brother, he'd know the most what she'd want out of everybody else, maybe excluding Grace. 

When I got there, Val was there too, but she was mostly busy with Kyle and I had Matt go into the kitchen with me so we could talk. He got a beer out of the fridge for himself, and then passed me one. 

"Have you gotten the ring yet?" Matt asked, keeping his voice low because Val was just in the living room. 

I nodded. "I got it last night after I took her to work. I actually have it with me because I got distracted last night and couldn't find a hiding place fast enough, so I left it in my jacket pocket. I guess it's a good thing you can't see the box sticking out in the pocket." I smirked slightly.

He chuckled. "So when are you going to do it, then?" 

"Uh, yeah, I need help with that. Hence why I'm here." I told him.

"Oh, ok. Well do you know where?" 

"Yep. At the beach, under the pier." I replied. Matt stood there and thought for a minute. I thought he would ask why under the pier instead of on top of it, but he didn't surprisingly. I guess he wasn't going to question it, which was good, because that one would be hard to explain without giving away our place. That was the only reason I was hesitant to come get his help, because I didn't want to think of anything to say when I was asked the reasoning behind it.

"We're all supposed to hang out this weekend, right?" He asked, and I nodded. "So what if the girls go out shopping before coming here, and when they do get here, I tell Elise that you've disappeared and we can't find you? I assume that where you're taking her would be somewhere she could look for you." 

I thought about it. Elise would probably go to the pier if Matt told her that I'd gone missing. But what about the other girls when they come in? And the guys as well? They'd have no idea what was going on and be confused, and probably give it away. Plus, I don't want to scare her, I'd probably give her a heart attack if Matt said I was missing. 

After telling Matt my thoughts, he came to realize the same points I had. "Shit, that's true. I'd rather not scare her like that either, now that I think about it. I'll just find another way to scare her on my own." He smirked.

I laughed. "Of course you will."

"Hey, I haven't picked on my sister in a while. Cut me some slack here!" He protested, and I just shook my head.

"Got anything else you can think of?" I asked, taking a swig of my beer. Matt took a few minutes to think, gathering ideas in his head. I could tell he was thinking hard because of the way he stared up at the ceiling.

"What if we still do the shopping thing, but instead of telling her you're missing, I take her out to the car and tell her we have to be somewhere important. I blindfold her so she can't see where we're going and guess anything, because you know she'll be trying to figure it out by watching where we're going. I walk her down to where you are, and then you can propose." He suggested.

"Yeah, but how would we do that without the others? You can't just leave them, they'll want to follow and find out where you're going. Same goes for Val, especially. You might freak her out just by leaving so suddenly like that without saying anything. And, I have the feeling you just want to blindfold Elise because you know she hates things like that." I accused teasingly.

"Damn it, you caught me." He snapped his fingers defeatedly, and I laughed. "Alright, so that's out. Back to thinking." 

As he was thinking, I sat up on the counter and stared down at my knees, smiling to myself as I thought of the moment I'd ask Elise to marry me at our favorite spot. I wanted to do it as soon as possible, but I wanted it to still be planned out carefully. It had to be perfect.

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