introduction: spider in

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earth 1218

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earth 1218....

let's start at the beginning, one last time....

hi, i'm y/n l/n, or starlight spider. whichever suits best for ya. i'm only 20, and i was bitten by a radioactive spider just a year ago. before i was bitten by that spider, i had already possessed telekinetic powers every since i was a little girl. now, along with my spider abilities on top of my telekinetic powers i would say i would make a great spider-woman. i don't know if there's others like me out there but i rather not think about.

i would like to think i'm the only one out there but deep down i know i'm's scary to think about the aspect of there being more people like me and more me's out in this vast universe.

i always like to do yoga and gymnastics on me free time which really helps me be extremely flexible and strong at the same time which i'm out fighting bad guys and zipping through the air. i'm a limber person always on my toes, doing everything i can to save the day as spider woman.

but being a spider-woman has costed me a lot, sometimes i wish i wasn't a spider person or have been bitten by that darn spider...

present day: earth 1218–new york city, year 2023

"ahem", i signed as i heard someone lingering behind me. i pivoted towards their direction not looking up as i clutch onto my binder digging into my chest.

"si? en que te puede ayudar?" i said mindlessly in spanish. i looked up as i rubbed my eyes. 'shit it's the principal' as i cursed myself wanting to do nothing much than to melt onto the ground, maybe even to disappear.

"now, that's no way to talk to your principal ms. l/n." she sighed as she sassily put her hands on her hip. "come with me, i need to discuss about your behavior."

"uhh, yes. coming!" i gulped as i followed her footsteps walking down the hallways of the university as other college students were bustling in and out of their classrooms. 'of course, she noticed how i've been missing classes lately but it's college!! why would she even care?? i'm too busy saving people day in and day out.' i kept cursing myself and clearly so deep in thought that i didn't notice we were already at her front office door.

she snapped twice. "ms. l/n? earth to ms. l/n?" she said in her monotone voice. she gestured me into her office and locked it as soon as i entered. she did sure take her sweet time to get to her desk as she took slow strides onto her chair.

"sorry, it's just i've been too caught up in a lot of stuff." i said apologetically. i was hoping she would understand. hopefully at least. i continue to sigh and shift in my chair as i played with the hemlines of my letterman jacket.

"yes, i can tell. that's why i wanted to talk to you about that. you've been missing classes a little too much now. you have amazing grades to my surprise but you cannot miss your classes anymore." she said as she signed reclining into her chair as she put her legs onto her desk, crossing them. she seemed to be annoyed but more so understanding.

"yes principal merle, i understand it's just after my dad had passed away," i muttered under my breath, "i am busy taking care of my family, and well—i've lost motivation for college...i-i know it's pathetic but it's true." i spilled everything i felt in that very moment as i looked up at her bluish crinkled eyes. she sighed and looked moved by what i just said to her. we continued to discuss ways i could improve in my mental health and taking extra curricular support from my professors and counselors. she stood up from her chair walking around her desk as she put a gentle hand onto my shoulder.

"i understand what you're going through. i know what it's like to lose someone but remember you're not alone. you have your professors, your friends, and others such as myself who will support you," she smiled tenderly and i nodded in response not saying much afterwards, "thank you so much! i am thankful for your kind words..." as i smiled a bit it wasn't much of a happy smile but more of a smile where i felt understood.

i got up and left as i thanked her, closing the door behind me. i slung my backpack on my left shoulder as i held my binder close to my chest as i sighed in a bit of relief walking down the hall towards my next class: computer science.

later on that day...

classes were over finally and i made my way to my dorm room. i closed the door behind me and threw my backpack onto the wall which made a small dent on the wall, but i didn't care as i just crashed onto my bed. i took a deep sigh as i was relieved to be in the comfort of my bed. 'oh what a relief to be back in bed' i said to myself while turning on my back looking up at the white ceiling that was filled with dangling paper butterflies and spiders that danced around as decorations. suddenly, the door unlocked and my roommate entered.

"hi girlie! i'm back." aspen said as they closed the door behind them as they put their backpack on their desk. "soo, how was your day today?" they asked inquisitively with a look of worry. they always worried about me and i appreciate them for being there for me. they're the only person in my life who knows i'm a spider-woman who happens to telekinetic abilities too.

"ehh, it's alright as always. though, the principal talked to me about my behavior. she noticed i've been missing class..." i said as i sat up on my bed, grabbing a stuffed pillow to bring to my chest for emotional support. "she knows i've been struggling and what not you know after my dad passed away tragically." i inhaled and exhaled deeply knowing nothing will be the same as it was. being a spider-woman was no easy job. remembering how i struggled along with my telepathic abilities—i keep it hidden. in this universe, superheroes are shamed and most don't know they even exist. i've been cursed with these powers and i can't help but wonder what i must've done in my previous life.

"y/n, i understand how you feel. i know what you've been through as well and you are a very strong person don't even forget that. you've overcome so many things," they said with sincerity in their tone as they walked up and sat on the edge of my bed, placing a loving hand over my hand, "hey! remember that time you came secretly into our dorm room through the window all beaten up?" they giggled waiting for my response.

"hahah yeah, that was insane," i laughed a bit feeling a warm fuzzy feeling course throughout my body, "yeah, i won't forget where i've started and how far i've come along, even if my dad isn't by my side anymore." i smiled as i scooted closer to aspen, embracing them close to me.

"see! all you need is a bit more uplifting and more encouragement. you are spider-woman y/n even if in this world they hate 'vigilantes' and all that stuff. never forget where you've come from and don't let anyone tell you otherwise." aspen said enthusiastically as they reciprocated my hug. they are like a sibling to me...a sibling i've never had.

little did i know, someone was always keeping a close eye on me from a very far distance...

universes apart so to say.

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