4: bonding

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It comes as a surprise to wake up to an unopened text from none other than Hwang Yeji. Mostly because Ryujin lacks memories of their contact exchange until suddenly it all floods her mind at once. 

She sits in bed, thinking over yesterday's behavior and mentally beating herself up for it. Ryujin reminds herself making a real friend isn't worth it. Life has a knack for taking the good ones away and letting the bad ones do as they please. Maybe the term is used loosely, but Ryujin decided two years ago she was finally done getting too close to people.

So why is she staring at a blank phone screen, desiring to look into Yeji's life a bit more??

All because the Hwang sparked her curiosity for more than a few seconds?

'This is bad.' Ryujin thinks. Friendships never last. She only makes casual friends. Acquaintances, better said. People she can hang out with every once in a while. Getting too attached means getting hurt. Only one person has come remotely close in the past two years. How is it possible Yeji may easily achieve the same after a single night?

She rereads the simple text as if it has an underlying message. Yeji sent the hey to ensure she had the right number, nothing more. And Ryujin wonders if she should ask Yeji if she made it home okay or if that's unnecessary.

The time in the corner of her screen steals her attention, insisting she should've started work an hour ago. Calling out sick for the day isn't going to pay her bills. She rolls lazily out of bed and toward the bathroom. Time to start the day.

*** *** ***

Ryujin ended up receiving a text that same morning asking if she made it home safely. The irony makes her laugh.

'Maybe she's different... '

This is the first time someone has thought to check up on her before she checks up on them. It's the reason she asks Yeji if she's free one of these days and suggests a visit to the park this weekend. After all, October's weather has been nice.

'What am I thinking?' She shakes her head roughly. Perhaps this Hwang Yeji girl is a witch and cast some strange spell on her. Ryujin considers confirming the possibility later.

It isn't until she packs all of the food that Ryujin wonders if this picnic might come across as a date. Whatever the case, those are not her intentions. Surely, Yeji knows, especially since she appears to be battling emotions from her last breakup.

A breeze rushes through. Turns out assumptions were made and checking the weather is something she failed to do. Prior to now, she hoped this past week's weather would've stayed consistent. She genuinely wanted to meet up as soon as possible. When it came to checking their schedules, Sunday was the closest day.

Ryujin stands in the doorway, assessing the temperature, then runs back inside to pack a jacket for Yeji and herself, just in case the Hwang doesn't bring one or is a little more sensitive to the wind. The decision feels right.

For today, Yeji insisted she'll drive them rather than show up in separate vehicles (which left Ryujin with the desire to drive next time. She's got a surprise for that). Yeji believes it'll give them the chance to talk more before sitting down to eat. Or, at least, that was the idea.

Turns out neither knew what to say once in the car. Nothing but passing buildings and cars to start a topic about, and the topic never lasted. It grew awkward quick, leaving both women to wonder if this is how it would be all day. At the party, their interaction kind of just happened. This time it's intentionally their doing.

Settled on the picnic blanket, Yeji catches Ryujin peeking at her. They smile awkwardly.

"So... " Yeji recalls her mission. She has to try. "A picnic?"

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