6: conflicted

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"Excuse me, Miss??"

Ryujin glances up from her phone. She had been to this cafe with Yeji before, but not on her own. It's been a few weeks. Her memory of the menu is limited and she clocked out of work thirty minutes ago. After a long day, her brain could use a pleasant break. Getting a head start on the menu seemed like a good pastime.

"Yes?" Ryujin acknowledges the young man. Beside him is another she doesn't recognize standing outside the cafe's entrance.

"Would you consider donating to our cause?"

She tilts her head, awaiting further information. She learns it's for a relative of theirs who is a cancer patient. The second man spews details out so quick she almost didn't catch some parts. Ryujin assumes most others haven't let him finish. They must be having a rough day. Because of this, she offers what she can. It may not be much, but any amount is appreciated.

Ryujin didn't anticipate a flower in return, though. Apparently it was their way of saying thanks. She holds onto it, a particular Hwang in mind as she enters the establishment. And as if her thoughts summoned the brunette, Yeji currently sits within the same building.

Yeji frowns, held up by the feelings she never asked for. She wasn't searching for anything. Seriously. Her intentions revolved purely around friendship. Why was it so hard? Why did it have to backfire? Somehow her heart made plans of it's own, despite clinging to the pain left behind by her last relationship.

She wants to hang onto the fact this feels distinct. Being around Ryujin feels different. She never took the chance to get to know the Shin before, and now she's afraid it's too soon. If operation F.A.B. didn't already sound stupid before, it sure does now.

Yeji twirls the base of the coffee cup against the table, weight indicating its fullness. Cat-eyes trail the muffin she'll likely toss in the garbage bin on the way out. Her fingers move to poke at the baked treat, and she lets out a sigh.

"Life's unfair, " she mumbles. Some days she finds it hard to be her usual optimistic self. In the presence of others, it can be easy. By herself? Check nearly impossible.

"Your muffin will go stale if you keep staring at it."

Yeji's eyes dart upward. She didn't expect to run into the girl consuming her thoughts. Her lips move to speak but refrains, unwilling to take the risk.

"Now this looks like a planned date~ " Ryujin smiles and occupies the seat across. She extends her arm, offering the flower. She'll pretend the term date doesn't affect her.

"A rose?"

"Two guys are raising some money outside and giving flowers to whoever donates. I spotted you while waiting for my coffee and decided I'd give it to you."

"Oh. Thank you~ " Yeji accepts hesitantly, a fluttering in her chest. Her fingers fidget with the rose, the petals as soft as Ryujin's gaze in her direction.

"So is there a reason you're staring at your food instead of eating it?"

"I don't know." She shrugs shyly, using the first excuse her mind creates. "Not as hungry as I thought I was."

"Your sad eyes say otherwise." Ryujin's cheek rests against her palm. Every once in a while, Yeji gets this way. And every single time, she strives to turn that frown upside down. "What are you thinking about?"


The reply is short, simple, and straightforward. However, it sounds like a joke, a tease, and anything but the truth. Such is her intention. Either Ryujin falls for the facade or chooses to leave the topic alone for the brunette's sake.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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