5: getting to know you

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Ryujin planned this day early on. She'll surprise Yeji with her bike, then take her to a nice spot on the beach where they can sit and relax. What they do after is up in the air.

She wants to talk. No, not standard, simple, small talk. She wants to know more about Yeji. As much as possible. In turn, she hopes Yeji wants to know about her.

It's a weird feeling, she thinks. Wanting someone to care about her the way she intends to care about them. It's been a while since she's felt this way. When this friendship started, she hoped it'd die out to prevent future heartbreak. Because they appear to be thriving instead, she's grateful she didn't listen to those negative thoughts.

It's safe to say Ryujin obtains the outcome she desires. How she managed to lay on her stomach against her bike without slipping off baffles Yeji about as much as the Shin having a bike does.

She stands there, arms at her sides. "You have a motorcycle?!"

"Sure do." Ryujin winks, kicking her feet.

"You can't be serious."

She notes how Yeji clutches the strap of her purse. She sits up. "Oh, come on. I was hoping you'd like it."

"I do. I'm just caught off guard, I guess." She puffs her cheeks. Masking her nervousness isn't something she wants to do. Her past has taught her that honesty pays off. "How safe of a driver are you?"

"I come first in Saturday night races at an illegal racetrack."

Ryujin swears Yeji loses the color in her face and bursts into laughter. A part of Yeji believes it. She has yet to learn all of Ryujin's hobbies.

Borderline anxious, the brunette chickens out. "I'll walk."

"Hey, no, I'm kidding!" Ryujin tries to reduce her laughter and clears her throat. She walks to Yeji and places a hand over her chest. "I, Shin Ryujin, solemnly swear that I am a safe driver and plan to chauffeur you to the coast and back as precious cargo."

"I'm good."


Yeji takes a moment to overcome her little fear. Honestly, though, she's quite flattered. She can't recall anyone calling her precious before, even as a joke. "Fine."


"But what about my bag?"

"You could leave it here. My invite, my treat."

"Are you sure?" Yeji doesn't want the younger to feel pressured. She intended to meet halfway money-wise throughout today.

"Of course." Ryujin motions her hand, so Yeji does as suggested and leaves her purse at home. After locking the front door, she turns around, stalling as Ryujin waits on the bike. Unable to come up with anything on short notice, she anxiously meets the driver there.

"Hopping on today or tomorrow?"

"What if I say tomorrow?"

"Tsk- don't be a scaredy cat. I'll keep you safe. Already said the oath and everything." Ryujin picks up the helmet. "You can use mine. I didn't think about getting another."

The oldest hesitantly accepts. Ryujin can feel how tense she is through the exchange, catching the nervous lump in the brunette's throat. She jumps to her feet, facing Yeji to adjust the straps on the helmet.

Yeji watches closely, quiet and deep breaths. She knows she took the time to find weather-appropriate clothing. There's no way in hell she isn't dressed to stay warm. Yet a chill courses through her veins when Ryujin's breath accidentally reaches her jaw as the girl clicks the buckle in place.

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