5. close my eyes, fantasize

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"Liv, you got Caitlin," Kate tells me. We're scrimmaging today and they split the team into two, obviously each of them having people on the bench to come in later. The team I was on consisted of: Kate, Monika, Molly, AJ, Jada, Addison, Shateah, and I. Besides her, Caitlin's team is: Gabbie, McKenna, Hannah, Sharon, Kylie, Sydney, and Taylor.

I nod at Kate, taking my spot on the court. Our starting five are Kate, Monika, Jada, Molly, and I against Caitlin, Hannah, Gabbie, McKenna, and Sydney.

"You can't guard me," Caitlin whispers, having to walk by me to get to her spot. I know she's joking, trash talk is huge with her. It's not the first time I've been at the receiving end of it.

I shake my head, pursing my lips slightly, "Be careful, I wouldn't wanna bruise your ego, Clark." I could tell my words got under her skin because she began chewing on her bottom lip. My heart drops a little, but she should know it's just trash talk. She'll dish it back ten times harder.

"Well if you think a little bit of chatter from you will bruise my ego..." She says as her hand lands on my hip, moving to my back as she goes behind me.

"If you get to your spot, the scrimmage will start quicker," I reply quickly, her hands falling to her sides as walks backwards, staring at me.

She just smirks, "If you stop talking so much, I could get to my spot faster," she says, still close enough to where people can't really hear.

I have to pull my eyes away from her, looking in the middle of the court to see Monika and Hannah going to do the jump ball. I still feel Caitlin's eyes on me as one of our coaches, Raina, throws the ball up and quickly scurries off of the court as Monika pushes the ball to Kate, the girl throwing it to me and we set up on our side.

I dribble, my eyes scanning for my teammates and where I could possibly throw it. Caitlin stands a few feet in front of me, the smirk gone from her lips, but I can tell she likes guarding me. I throw the ball to Molly, switching spots with Kate, hoping to get our defenders off of us a little.

I'm closer to the corner when Molly throws it back to me and I am able to lob it into the middle, getting the ball to Monika. She puts it up with ease and we're making our way to the other end of the floor.

Caitlin brings the ball up the court, surveying where her team is like I had. I am standing closer than she was to me, tracking her every move.

"This is how we're playing?" she asks, dribbling the ball behind her back.

I jump up a bit as she makes a pass to Gabbie, hoping I would be able to hit it, but I fail. I shrug my shoulders at her a little, "I guess so."

The game goes on for a little bit. Coach Raina is keeping score and tells us what it is whenever we take timeouts to regroup. The coaches also take it upon themselves to sub players in for one another so people can get a chance to play.

[ON HOLD] waiting room, caitlin clarkWhere stories live. Discover now