10. and i lost control

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caitlin's pov

We decided to stop for dinner on the way back to Olivia's, just a quick restaurant stop and we were back on our way.

As Liv is pulling up to her house, I see her tense a little bit in her seat, gripping the wheel tightly. A car is parked in the driveway, one that wasn't there before. It's only 6:15.

"Mom's home!" Camila exclaims happily from the backseat, itching to get out of her seat.

Liv puts the car into park and in return, Camila unbuckles her seatbelt and rushes toward the front door, leaving us in the car.

I turned to look at the blonde and her eyes were locked on mine, "I guess we should go inside," she says softly, turning her car off and getting out.

"Are you okay, Via?" I ask, following her lead.

She just nods, putting on a smile, "Of course." I could tell she wasn't okay, so I grabbed her hand and held it tight as we walked up to the front door. Her hand was stiff in mine and I didn't know what to do to help her.

As we entered her house, Mila exploded with excitement, "Mommy, look, Livy's here!" Camilia exclaims, clutching her bunny in her arms. I would assume she already showed her the stuffed animal.

I feel Liv's hand leave mine as her mother's eyes land on the two of us, "Hi, mom," she says, giving the woman a tight-lipped smile.

"Olivia," Clarissa says, hugging her daughter with a small smile on her face.

When she pulls away from the hug, Clarissa's eyes land on me. I give her a small wave, "Hi, Mrs. Miller," I greet.

"Caitlin, nice to see you again," she says, her voice in a tone I can't quite decode.

The feeling in this room has shifted since the morning. I don't feel welcome like I was earlier, it doesn't help that I don't see Russell anywhere, "Mommy, Ninny and I have matching bunnies!!"

Liv's mom plasters on a smile, "How nice!" she says, trying to be excited in front of her youngest daughter, crouched down to Camila's height.

I glance at Liv who is staring at her mother and little sister almost longingly. She's tapping her thumb to each of her fingers as her hands hang at their sides, surely an anxiety thing. I almost never see her anxious. It's been a long time since I have, anyway.

Liv's eyes move as her mother returns to her full height and I look back to Clarissa, keeping my eyes off of Olivia, "So, what brings the two of you here?"

"We came to see Mila before her birthday," Liv says, "and she wanted to go to Build-A-Bear, so we went," the blonde explains.

"Did Russell pay for the three of you to go?" Clarissa asks. She sounds pissed.

Liv shakes her head, "I paid, just figured because her birthday is coming up," Liv tells her.

Camila runs off, yelling for her dad. Once she's in another room, Clarissa starts talking again, "She doesn't really need anymore toys, Olivia," the woman says, trying not to sound as mean. Everytime she looks at me, it's from the corners of her eyes. I know a side eye when I see it, but I mostly just let it go.

"Mom, it's not that big of a deal," Liv tells her, her voice shaking just a bit.

Clarissa just nods, "Anyway, how's Iowa?" she asks, a sort of disgust in the word Iowa. I know she's been a big Indiana fan, but wow.

"It's good," Liv says shortly, "Summer workouts just started."

"Sorry, we couldn't be there to help you move in, a few things came up," Clarissa tells her, but I'm not sure how much she means the apology.

Olivia just shakes her head, "It's fine."

She was hurting and I could tell. All I want to do is grab her hand and let her know I am here for her. A few moments pass before Russell and Camila come back into the room.

Russell gives the two of us a sympathetic look before standing next to his wife, "I wish I would've known you two were coming," Clarissa tells us.

"It was a surprise for Mila, she's my reason. Only Russell knew," Olivia says with a weak smile on her face.

Clarissa nods, "She's got the best big sister," the woman says. It's the one thing I agree with. Her eyes eventually land on me, not giving me a side eye, "And Caitlin, you've made a big name for yourself. Starting and the numbers you've put up? A lot like what Olivia was doing at Indy."

I nod as Liv inhales from beside me, holding her breath. I take a small step closer to her, "Iowa has a great program and amazing coaches."

Clarissa had her lips pressed together, "Oh, of course just not as good as Indy was for my shining star." She sounded fake, so fucking fake.

Liv let out her breath, "It was nice to see everyone, but I think Cait and I should go. It'll be dark soon," she says. It doesn't get dark until almost nine, but I think it is also time for us to go.

Camila rushes up and hugs us both. I smile as she wraps her arms around me and I pick her up like I did earlier. I ignore the way Clarissa gives me a dirty look, thinking I can't see her. I don't miss the way Liv smiles, genuinely smiles, as I hug her sister.

"Wanna know my wish, Ninny?" she asks in a whisper as she rubs my back with her little hands.

I hum gently, "What was it, Mila?"

"That you and Livy stay friends forever," she says and it squeezes my heart a little.

I run my fingers through her hair gently, "I'll make sure that wish comes true," I tell her, kissing her temple just as Clarissa begins to speak.

"Camila, I think it's time for them to go," she says as I set her daughter down. Camila runs to stand by her mother.

Clarissa gives Liv another hug, the blonde stiff in her mother's arms. She has no problem when Russell hugs her as he whispers in her ear and she just nods.

He offers me a hug and I take it, wrapping my arms around his neck, "I'm sorry. She came home early."

"It's okay, no big deal," I say, lying through my teeth, but I don't want him to worry.

"It's not fair to you," Russell says softly as his hold around me tightens.

I shrug, "Or Liv, but there's nothing we can do. Thank you for letting me spend time with Camila," I tell him. He squeezes me again and when I pull back, I see the way Clarissa is staring at me again. I have to let it not bother me.

The two of us say our goodbyes again before heading out. We make our way to Liv's car silently, slipping inside and she turns the car on.

"I'm sorry about my mom. I didn't know she'd be back early and she was being rude-," she starts, rambling like she does, but I cut her off before she gets lost in her words.

I place my hand on hers, resting against the center console, "Don't apologize for her actions, you couldn't have known."

authors note
fuck clarissa miller ‼️

[ON HOLD] waiting room, caitlin clarkWhere stories live. Discover now