Worship- L/Light

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WlW sex scene, babes!


Being Kira was supposed to remove the need for human approval. Being a divine, just higher power should have removed the need for pats on the back and gentle praise. Should have being the key words. The truth is that every god, no matter how powerful or known they are, needs praise. Every god needs to be worshipped, praised by their most loyal follower or companion. Their names should be whispered with reverence, laced with adoration saved only for a lover. Kira— or rather, Light Yagami— is no different than any other god. She needs to be praised and worshipped and revered.

The problem isn't that Light needs to be praised. Light's soft grin and floppy hair won her no small amount of admirers. Paired with her calm voice and seemingly controlled demeanor, Light could get many men who would fall all over themselves for her. Light isn't trying to be egotistical, just honest. Manipulating men comes too naturally to Light, and she can't find it in herself to feel bad about it. The thing is that praise is meaningless if it comes from people without value, which is where Light's problem begins. Light only desires one person's praise: L's.

L is by no means a conventional choice for a first crush— or first love, although Light isn't sure she wants to define the rapid heart rate and fluttering sensation she experiences around L as love. With messy black hair that stands in every direction and dark, unblinking eyes, L is by no means the most gorgeous woman out there. The ratty white shirt, questionable fitting jeans, and exposed feet only add to L's strange appearance. L is beautiful in the same way a feral cat is— lovely from a distance, but rabid and willing to attack if cornered. Despite having a feral energy that Watari could never remove, L has a strange appeal. Or maybe Light likes L's wild, unpredictable nature. There's something comforting about knowing that there is one person who can't be controlled by Light's words.

On the other hand, it leaves Light desperate for her praise and approval. L rarely hands out praise, often only giving soft hums of approval. Light needs her praise, much in the same way a god needs an atheist's praise. Praise from followers is ordinary, not divine or sacred. Gods need divine things. Every god must have something that they secretly cannot have; for example, the Christian God cannot have the true love of his most favorite son, Lucifer. Light cannot have L's praise, at least in theory. Light is more clever than any of the other gods, much more organized— not that it would take much to beat the older pantheons that had fits of madness weekly due to another demigod being born. Light has a plan, although L adamantly denies her role in it. But Light can wait. Every good thing comes with hard work.

Light stares in the mirror, looking at god with a frown. She's the most powerful being in the world, but she still looks... undeniably human. God should not look average; god should be superior to everyone and everything. Pulling out her makeup, she purses her lips. Gods should be above trivial things such as makeup, but Light can't make herself stop using it. She has to be perfect. There can't be imperfections; gods must be perfect and whole, without a flaw or weak spot. Maybe part of the problem is that Light isn't a male. Men are inherently seen as better rulers, at least in the rigid Japanese household Light grew up in. Men don't have to be beautiful or appealing to be seen as competent; Light feels that women have to be beautiful to even be seen. Her harsh grip nearly causes the lipgloss bottle to shatter, although she only lessens her grip a smidge. With her bitter tasting lipstick applied, she carefully applies the rest of her makeup. She spends hours making herself look like the ideal, modern-day Japanese woman for someone like Aizawa to roll in smelling like smoke.

She wonders if L ever feels out of place. L is the only other woman on the Kira Task Force. L never wears makeup or heels or dresses, and Light could never see her wearing any of those things at any point in time. L always wears baggy jeans and a loose fitting white shirt with a sports bra. L never even bothers to tame her floppy, wild black hair, allowing it to stand in every direction without shame. Light likes L's carefree attitude.

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