Avenge- Beyond/L [Part 1]

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Beyond always worried that the world would destroy someone as pretty and perfect as L. Beyond swore that he would kill anyone that harmed L.


"Do you see this butterfly, Lawlipop?" Beyond gestured to a small butterfly clinging to a flower. There were many butterflies in the garden in spring, but Beyond liked this particular one. It was small, all alone, and had wings the color of L's hair. It would be fitting for the point Beyond wanted to make.

"Yeah! It's pretty," replied L with a fascinated smile. It figured that ordinary things that others would overlook would fascinate the World's Greatest Detective.

"Yes. It's very pretty." Beyond turned to L. "Do you know what they say about pretty things?"

L frowned at Beyond's cryptic tone, not liking the sudden change of tone. "Who is 'they'? Is this another one of your stories?"

"No," replied Beyond. He watched as the butterfly flew off the flower and into a spider's web. "Beauty is a curse. Pretty things aren't made to survive in this world. The world stomps the beauty out of them and leaves the byproduct to die. In this world, pretty things are prey."

"Beyond, we have to save the butterfly," cried L. He reached towards the spider's web, but Beyond slapped his hand down.

"No." Beyond stared at the butterfly struggling in the web. "This is life, Lawliet. This is the food chain and life cycle at work. The pretty prey supplies the heartless predator with food. The story always unfolds that way. It always will."

"It doesn't have to though," retorted L in a snappy tone. His small, dark eyes stared into Beyond's very soul, causing goosebumps to raise on Beyond's arms. Something about seeing L's passionate caused Beyond's heart to race. L was young and not passionate about many things; Beyond was glad he was the one to find something the teenager cared about. "We can change life. We have a free-will! We have the ability to change the world."

Beyond sighed. He should have figured L would say that. L believed in free-will and that humanity was capable of being more than just killers and victims. Beyond knew better. He saw everyone's date of death, and the dates of death never changed. He tried to warn his sweet mother, but it made no difference. He tried explaining that free-will— if it even existed, which Beyond doubted— existed within a very small set of perimeters. L wouldn't hear of such things. Beyond never mentioned it again due to how distraught it made L— a panic attack followed by three days of complete isolation and no physical contact for a month following his exit from isolation.

"Fine." Beyond gave in to L's slightly watery eyes, wondering why someone as clever as L would care about a butterfly. Sure, it was beautiful, but a butterfly didn't matter in the grand scheme of things.

Beyond cared about L, and seeing him sad caused something buried deep in Beyond's chest— metaphorically, for all emotional processes occurred in Beyond's brain— to hurt. He only wanted L to be happy. Beyond wanted to imprint an important lesson into L's mind, but he should have thought it out more carefully. L was surrounded by violent deaths all the time, never given a time to truly process the horrors and tragedies of the cases he solved. It figured that L would want to save something's life when he could.

Beyond reached out and set the butterfly free from the spider's web. "Happy?"

L hummed in joy. He very quickly reached and wrapped his scrawny arms around Beyond. "Very! What would I do without you?"

Beyond didn't have a chance to answer. Watari hollered for L, and he left Beyond with a sad smile and another quick hug.

Beyond would never leave L's side. Even if L turned against him, Beyomd would give his life to save L without a second thought. As long as Beyond was alive, L would be safe.

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