Spider- L/Light

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"Reveal yourself!" L stepped into the cave, her flashlight illuminating the space. Shadows continued to dance in the corner of L's eyes, turning into human shapes that writhed in agony before falling. L wiped at her eyes. "Come out and face me!"

L stepped further into the cave, surprised at the amount of cobwebs in the area. Several small spiders dangled down on their shiny golden thread, swaying slightly. L marveled at their beautiful webs, careful to avoid destroying their finely crafted creations. She figured it was bad enough that she had to disturb the antisocial spiders. After all, she was here for the person who did something to the men from her town, not to destroy the homes of peaceful spiders. She followed the curves of the cave, ducking down to avoid getting tangled in a beautiful spider's web. L saw a beautiful yellow, red, and black spider rip the head off of a smaller brown spider [1]. L decided that maybe the spiders weren't as friendly as she thought they were.

She stumbled through the dark hallway, noticing that more golden spider silk appeared. It wouldn't have been weird— considering some spider species lived in darker areas— if there would have been spiders. Strings of web went in all directions, but there wasn't a single spider in sight. It was as if a forcefield repelled the spiders from coming any farther. L immediately decided that having a ton of spider silk without spiders nearby it was worse than having silk and a reasonable amount of spiders by it. She almost missed the brightly colored spider that ripped the head off the smaller spider.

L tilted her head at the sudden gap in the rock wall. It almost looked like a small door. L wiggled her way through it, gasping when she saw sunlight. The cave must have two entrances, with the back entrance receiving the sunlight and the front entrance remaining hidden in the darkness. A small rug sat in the middle of the floor, weaved from spider silk. A large hammock made from spider silk dangled from the roof, supported by spider silk that had been tied together like rope. A couple of colored items sat in the faintly dark part of the room, their form and color hidden by the shadows.

"Hello there," whispered a smooth, silky voice. "You must be lost. Why don't you come rest in my bed?"

"Can I see you first?" L's soft voice sounded neither feminine or masculine, surely off-throwing her host. "My guardian always said we must thank our host by shaking their hands. Perhaps even a hug."

L hoped the ominous host didn't want a hug. L wasn't a fan of physical contact.

"Oh! Well, if my guest insists upon it," replied the voice in what L gathered was supposed to be a seductive tone. "Step into the sunlight, my guest, so that I can see you too!"

L stepped into the sunlight. Her host followed her lead. She was a young, thin Asian— likely Japanese, but L didn't want to make assumptions— lady with reddish-brown eyes. Brown hair with soft golden streaks went to the middle of her chest, looking so shiny that L wondered what kind of natural remedy she'd come up with. Her gentle smile, paired with her innocent, youthful face, set L at ease. She opened her arms to accept her guest in a hug, although her arms were hidden by a woven gold-colored shirt.

L stepped forward, suddenly very at ease. Why was she so worried? Everything was fine. Unable to help herself, L looked down, curious to if her guest wore shoes— L would only take her shoes off if her host didn't wear shoes. L nearly screamed.

Her host had no legs or feet to be seen. Her upper body seemed to simply linger in the air. L turned her flashlight back on, wondering when she bothered to turn it off. She shined it where her host's lower body should be. The lady had legs— eight incredibly long, thin legs that resembled spider legs. The eight legs attached to a yellow, red, and black appendage. Her upper half was human, but her lower half was spider. She may have had a human face and a slender stomach, but she also had eight incredibly thin spider legs. Was her host some sort of supernatural entity?

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