Into Nothingness- Beyond/L [Part 2]

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Beyond's eyes opened. He was surprised to find that he was not in Hell, but rather a seemingly endless hotel hallway. There was no beginning or end, just hundreds of doors with golden symbols on them. The carpet beneath his feet was faintly damp, an unpleasant smell lingering in the air. He took a step forward, almost gagging when his feet sank into the damp carpet with an audible noise. He turned and stared at one of the two walls surrounding him, noticing a lack of cheap, unoriginal line art on the walls— every shitty hotel had some form of cheap line art on the walls, except for this one. Every door had a unique symbol, and Beyond didn't know what they meant.

A soft cough pulled Beyond out of his thoughts. Light stood a few feet behind him, dressed in a soft beige sweater with black jeans. He, too, had no socks or shoes. His soft brown eyes peered around, looking for answers of some sort. "I'm... tired."

Beyond gave Light a disgusted look, wondering what would happen if he tried to choke Light. Could he kill Light again? He wanted to have a more active role in Light's death, but he had no body at the time. If he could kill Light again, he would. He'd wrap his fingers around Light's throat until he couldn't wrap them any tighter. He wanted to hear Light gasp and try to plea for his life, something Light hadn't been able to do the first time. He wanted to see Light plea and beg for mercy, to grovel at Beyond's command. Beyond wasn't sure if he'd grant mercy if Light begged for it, considering that Light killed his beloved. It might depend on how well Light was able to beg.

"You're dead," retorted Beyond in an irritable tone.

"I know." Light continued to look around, pointedly avoiding Beyond. "We must be in Purgatory."

"You say that with lots of confidence." Beyond gave Light a smile, all teeth and no warmth. "I never pegged you down as the good Christian son. I couldn't see you praying to anyone. But don't worry! When I'm done with you, you'll be praying for someone to save you."

Light flinched, slowly backing away from Beyond. "This has to be Purgatory or something of similar grounds. I can't go to Heaven or Hell. Therefore, we must be in some sort of Purgatory."

Beyond pondered over Light's words, remembering a rule mentioning Heaven and Hell. He wished he would have bothered to read it, although he doubted it would do him any good. Beyond already knew he wasn't going to Heaven. "I wonder if L is here."

"Probably," admitted Light in a soft tone.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Beyond snarled, his fingers curling together.

Light immediately hung his head, taking a couple more steps back. He held his hands in front of himself, clearly trying to let Beyond know that he was surrendering. "I didn't mean anything by it."

"Oh no!" Beyond tutted, wagging his finger from side to side. "You clearly did. Explain yourself, Light Yagami."

"I, uhm." Light's eyes widened when he saw how close Beyond was to him. If Beyond took another step, he'd be able to touch Light. "Well, L didn't always use the most ethical methods of interrogation. He wasn't very merciful."

"Do you think you deserved it?" Beyond threw his head back, a harsh cackle falling from his lips. "Light, you and I don't deserve anything. We are killers. L didn't catch people like us by cuddling up next to us and offering us his love. Even if we wanted his love, we wouldn't have gotten it. We don't deserve it."

Light let out a pained noise. "Don't say that stuff here. Not here."

"Why?" Beyond cocked his head. "Because you can't handle the truth?"

Light wiped a drop of blood that ran from his nose. He wouldn't meet Beyond's eyes. "No. We're in Purgatory. We're supposed to be in our room. Something knows we're not where we're supposed to be."

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