Corruption- L/Light

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Light's very touch corrupts L. L wishes the path to corruption wasn't so seemingly innocent and welcoming.


The very sight of Light corrupted L. L had done a very good job of never falling for her suspects before, but that was before she saw Light. Something about Light's slim legs in a tight-fitting pencil skirt and the pale lipstick that coated Light's lips drew L in. Light's slender curves and wicked smirk held L in a situation she never should have been in. There had been something so... perfect about Light. Perfect, beautiful things held L's attention, mostly because she searched them for flaws and cracks. With Light, L had found the perfect flaw— the beautiful girl was Kira, the notorious killer L was sent to catch. It was rather unfortunate that L found herself unwilling to persecute Light, as she was unwilling to let Light get executed.

Light's smooth tongue and perfect words had never helped the matter. She whispered all the right words, said all the right things to the right people. L was unable to deny that Light's honey-coated words had no impact on her judgement. Every little word, every gentle hum of approval, had L on the edge of her seat. L never let it show, always pulling herself together before someone noticed. L might have liked hearing Light's sweet lies, but they didn't fool her. The other Task Force members believed each of Light's little rants, finding themselves unable— or unwilling— to fight the words of confident, intelligent girl with a soft smile. L knew the truth, and that was what mattered. Light only had the power of words, the Second Kira, and whatever weapon she killed hundreds with on her side.

All of Light's ploys to get the Task Force to distrust L had failed. They trusted L more than they trusted her. L knew it burned Light to be polite to someone Light deemed 'beneath her,' and L thought it funny the only person who could truly challenge Kira was also so far beneath her. L could live with Light plotting against her, for L won each little game. Each loss wounded Light's ego and caused her reputation to get questioned. L enjoyed their silent game, plastering a smile on her face each time each time she silently won. Even though L was still more trusted than Light, it didn't mean that L was completely trustworthy.

Light's very touch was enough to corrupt the purest of people and turn them into an unapologetic sinner. Something about the gentle pressure of her fingers dancing across the bare skin of L's exposed neck caused L to veer off the 'path of righteousness'. The glow in her eyes when she described how unfair the justice system left L wondering why she worked under such a corrupt system. Light was the modern-day Lilith, cackling from the shadows as she ruined the people around her. Light may not have tempted men to lie back and take whatever she gave them, but she did tempt L in ways L had never experienced before. L had never dreamed about being between someone's thighs, using only her tongue to pleasure to them. She'd never dreamed about anyone leaving nail marks on her back while she pleasured them. Not until she met Light. And now, there was no salvation.

Nothing could save L from Light's corruption. It had seeped into L's bloodstream and went directly to her heart and brain. The very thing L vowed to stop now circulated in her bloodstream, leaving her unable to mount a proper defense against Light. L, eventually, stopped trying to fight it, allowing it to spread deeper into her system. Why fight the unavoidable? L embraced the fact that she loved and desired Kira, knowing it was the only way to lessen the grip Light had on her. She wished she could have fought Light's corruption, but corruption was hard to fight when it came from a beautiful girl with all the right answers.

Maybe a part of L didn't want to fight the corruption. Maybe a part of L enjoyed the road to corruption, letting it consume her whole just to feel something— anything, really. L's life had been uninteresting, filled with case after case of violent crimes. L liked the challenge Light presented. L had finally stumbled across something without a simple answer. L could never say no to a challenge. There was something pleasureful about doing bad things.

L had always been the perfect... daughter. Watari had given her cases and L solved them without complaints. Watari moved her from place to place, and L never complained. L had obeyed all the stupid rules, even those that hindered her abilities. She'd never explored her sexual urges, ignoring them in favor of Watari's vaguely Catholic beliefs he mentioned every once in a while. The only things L had not done perfectly was follow social norms. She cut her messy hair short, wore loose jeans and a baggy white shirt, and had a complicated relationship with shaving. Rebelling against the image she created felt like heaven. It was freeing, even if it put her in danger.

Light enjoyed rebelling against the image her family created for her. She'd never admit it, but L knew she did. Light liked it when L's finger trailed up Light's thigh, each stroke leading closer to Light's groin. Light liked killing people, leaving them powerless as she stopped their hearts. Her father went to church and prayed to the Christian God; Light bluntly rejected the idea of a higher power and elected herself as god. Light wanted to be a god in a family that believed only men should have ruling powers— in the sense of ruling the world, at least.

L had let a cocky girl corrupt her soul and lead her down a path destined to end in pain and chaos. L found it hard to care when she had Light by her side. Kira may have officially won, but L won too. Gentle kisses shared between the two seemed like enough of a victory to be worth celebrating.

L found herself unable to care that Light had corrupted her so. The path to corruption had felt so much divine than the path to righteousness.

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