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Hey guys sorry I not been doing this book.
Last Wednesday I was so stressed out cause I had assessment for college and it finishes next Friday and I won't know if I passes the course or not and the next one is a 12 months course I really want to go on to it.

So I had assessment yesterday manage to finish yay and last Thursday I was ill not a gd thing 😔😔😣😖 but thankfully my papa took me to the hydro to see doctor who and the fifth doctor was there (p.s am not a nerd) and thankful I was cheered up cause I don't like being sick and I feel a whole lot better.

I'll be doing a craft/baking channel on YouTube and so I hope u guys can watch it
( I need help coming up with a YouTube name help!!!!!!!!)

He's My Mate?! How Is This Possible?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang