why is he following me?

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*author note a bottom plz read after this chapter thank you*

Skylar's POV

It was the ringing noise that pulled me out of my dark sleep. I reached out and smacked my hand around my blanket, trying to find my annoying phone.

Where did I put that darn thing?

My hand hit something solid and grabbed my phone from under the blanket. I pushed the green button without really looking at the name of the caller.

"Hey!" A cheerful voice came out of my phone. I know it's Hailey by that voice. "Want to come and see a film with me and maybe go shopping afterwards?"

"Yeah, sure, I'll meet you in a few minutes." I answered, hearing myself sounded sleepy.

"Okay. See you soon." She said and ended the call.

I got up, stretching as I do, and went to let my dear parents know about my plans. I checked my phone to see it's almost noon. Man, I slept in really late.

I went downstairs to find them in the kitchen, Mum by the stove cooking chickens in a pan and Dad at the table reading newspapers as usual.

"Hey, I'm going to meet up with Hailey for lunch, then go see a film and if we have some time left, we'll do a little bit of shopping" I said to my parents.

"Okay, princess. Here's some extra money, just in case you see anything you like to wear or add to your room." Dad says, taking out some dollars and laid them in the table.

"Awww, thanks Dad. Are you sure, though?" I asked nicely. I rarely borrow money from him.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure." He chuckled deeply and lightly shook his head

"Yaaaaaay!" I squealed, almost ran around the room.

"Go and get ready, sweetheart." Mum said, her light green eyes moving up to me. "I'll take you and Hailey to the mall."

"Aw, thanks Mum. I'll let her know". I said, already running back upstairs.

After entering my room, I went straight to my phone which was still on my bed, picked it up, and sent Hailey a message.

(H-Hailey and S-Skylar)

S- hey my mum is going to pick you up and will take us to the mall

H- awe your mum's the best. okay let me know when you're close to my house

S- okay I'll let you know

Once I was done texting Hailey, I slid into my clothes for today (outfit above) and pulled my hair into a high pony tail. I added light makeup on my face; natural eyeshadows, mascara, and light pink lips.

Grabbing my purse, I heard my mum shouting, "Skylar, are you ready?"

"Yea, Mum!" I shouted back, running downstairs. "I'm coming."

We headed out of the house to her car, hopped in while Mum turned it on, and drove to Hailey's house. I texted her to tell her that I'm close to her house and she replied back with ok. When we arrived, she was standing outside in her black crop top, knee length flowers skirt, and a pair of ankle heels.

"Hey, Sky." Hailey greeted, hopping in the back seat. "Hello, Mrs. Grey"

"Hi, Hailey. How are you, darling?" Mum asked. Ever since Hailey have been my best friend, Mum treated her as family, always looking out for her.

"Am fine, Mrs. Grey" Hailey answered with a chirpy tone.

"So, what are you girls be doing when you get to the mall?"

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