First day of school.

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Hi, this is my first werewolf story, so please don't judge me for any spelling mistakes I may have, I will try and update as fast as I can in all chapters. (picture of Skylar on the side on her first day back to school from the Summer holidays)


Skylar's POV

"Skylar, sweetie, wake up it's time for school." I heard my mothers sweet voice wake me up softly.

The only response I gave her was a groan, I turned in my bed, away from her and sunk in deeper to my covers, trying to fall back asleep, but the devil herself wasn't letting me.

"Skylar Grey, don't make me get your father, you kn-" But I cut her short, jumping up from my bed and ran to the hall where the bathroom is.

If you have't noticed I'm not scared of m father, just, he will pour freezing cold water all over me, and then I have to have a shower, and in the morning, I am super lazy!

Okay, well, let me tell you a little about myself, my name is Skylar Grey, if you haven't already heard from my mother, I'm 18 years old in sixth grade. You can consider me the 'popular' girl in my school, no I am not a slut or a whore, I have had boyfriends, but I'm single right now.

I rush into the bathroom, that is right opposite of my bedroom, and slam the door shut once I'm in. I do my morning routine, I do my business, brush my teeth, brushed my dark brown, wavy hair and left it down. After that I put on some make up which consists of brown eye shadow, a thick line of black eye liner, a minimum amount of mascara and some nude lip gloss. I walked out of the bathroom, letting my father use it, after kissing his cheek and saying 'good morning', I walked into my bedroom. Once in my room, I walked over to my closet and picked out some black skinny jeans, a batman shirt - that came off on shoulder - and some black converse, with my 'Gun 'n' Roses' jumper.

After having my one shoulder bag, that had all my school things, phone, earphones, and keys, I walked downstairs, seeing my mother cooking breakfast.

"Morning, She Devil" I joked, nudging my mother on her bicep.

"Morning, She Devil in training" She joked back, nudging me on the bicep and we just broke into a fit of laughter, with my father sitting on the dinning table, shaking his head back and fourth.

"Morning daddy" I said, walking over to him and sitting in his lap, cuddling close to his chest, like I do every morning.

"Morning, sweetheart, you ready for your first day of school?" He asked, he knew about my popularity, he wasn't the happiest knowing that everyone followed me, but he knew that I was grown up enough to lead, that's why when I'm older he's handing down the family business over to me. Yes, my father is a business man for a large business and he thinks that I can make him proud when he hands it down.

"I guess, let's hope that no one harasses me like the last time school started! The boys can't leave me alone can they?!" I pouted.

"Sweetheart, the boys will be crazy not to fall for you, have you seen your mother" He said, winking at my mother as she blushed bright red.

"Rodger! Stop with your naughty words in front of our daughter!" Mother scolded, still a bright scarlet colour.

"Ha ha, alright honey, just so you don't explode with embarrassment in front of Sky" My father chuckled, while I tried hiding a giggle.This is what I love about my parents, they act like they are a teenage couple again.

"You guys are the weirdest parents anyone could ever have, but I love you both so much." I said while giggling.

"I love you too sweetie, now time for breakfast" My mother said, setting a big plate of toast, bacon, eggs and a glass of freshly made orange juice.

"Thanks mum" I jumped up from my fathers lap and sat at my place and started scoffing down my plate, don't judge me, I have a very large appetite okay! Jeez XD.

"Calm down sweetie, you look like you haven't eaten in a year!!" My father joked, grabbing my mum by the waste and dragging her down to his lap, then devouring her lips for a long kiss.

"EEEEEWWWWWW, daddy is sucking facing with mummy!!!" I gasped covering my eyes with my hand, faking that I was disgusted, which I wasn't because they always do it and it's so ADORABLE.

"Oh hush, Sky, when you have a boyfriend and you kiss him in front of us we are going to tease you and embarrass you!" My father teased, my mum's face as red as a tomato, just like every morning when I tease her.

"You love me too much daddy." I said getting up, with my now finished plate and kissed him on the cheek.

"Ha, that's what you think" He said with a laugh.

I gasped and put my hand where my heart is supposed to be "That hurts my little heart daddy" I said faking hurt, with a small pout on my lips.

"I was joking princess" He said, lifting my mother up gently, placing her on the chair and making his way over towards me, grabbing me and squishing me into a hug.

"Okay, daddy, I have to go, bye daddy" I said kissing his cheek "Bye mummy" I said while walking over to her and giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

After saying my goodbye, I was out of the door, into the garage and into my car. A black, sleek, BMW and drove to school.

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