I Hate Us

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Its been 3 weeks since I've last seen Miguel and last I've seen of him was on the news. He's been off saving the world and sometimes I forget people think he's actually a good person. But besides that my face and body have healed but im still severely depressed.

I turn the corner into my apartment complex lobby. Although he...did things to me he was still my source of happiness but i'm not sure if i'm ready to see him again or ever.

The hairs on the back of my hair stand up. Shit. No. It cant be...

Miguel has followed me home and I can feel his presence before even turning around. When I do he's right behind me, his eyes blazing with anger.

"What the hell is your problem?" he demands, grabbing me by the neck and pinning me against the wall.

I try to pull away but he's too strong. This all feels too familiar and too soon. I feel his fingers tighten around my throat, cutting off my air supply. "I said, what the hell is your problem?" he repeats, his voice low and dangerous.

I frantically gasp for air, my hands scrabbling at his arm, trying to break free. But he only tightens his grip, his anger growing with every passing second.

"Im sorry" he finally says, his voice softening. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I just get so angry sometimes, and I dont know how to control it". He releases his grip on my throat but keeps me pinned against the wall. I can feel the heat of his body against mine, and despite everything, I feel a flicker of desire. "I know you didn't want it" he continues, "But I couldn't help myself, You're just so sexy, I cant resist you and besides you know the only way I know of making it up to you was by sex".

I try to push him away but be grabs me and puts me back in place. "Please" he says, his voice pleading. "Dont leave me. Ill do anything to make it up to you...I know we can get through this".

I look into his eyes, searching for some sign that he's telling the truth but all I see is a dangerous, unstable man who's willing to hurt me to get what he wants. I quickly see a chance and take it. I slip past Miguel and lock myself in my apartment. I let out a sigh I didn't even know I was holding in as I let my body relax against the door. Until im jolted off of it by a thud.

He starts pounding on the door shouting my name. "Open the fucking door!" he yells. "Im not leaving until you talk to me!".

I try holding my breath as I step away from my door in fear. Maybe if im quiet enough he'll forget im here...but he doesn't.

When I dont answer he starts kicking the door, his rage growing with every blow. "You cant just shut me out like this!" he shouts. "I won't let you!". Miguel keeps pounding and kicking the door, his temper getting the best of him. Im frozen in fear. Should I call-

Fuck he's literally spider man he's the one im supposed to call when im in trouble. Miguel breaks down the door, his anger boiling over. He grabs me by the arm and throws me onto the ground. I'm too scared. I can't talk.

"You can't just ignore me," he says, his voice low and menacing. "I own you, and you don't get to walk away."

He stands over me, his fists clenched.

"You'll regret crossing me," he says. "Believe me."

Miguel steps over me and makes his way to my room, his anger boiling over. He starts to trash my apartment, throwing things around and breaking whatever he can get his hands on.

"You'll regret leaving me," he says, his voice low and menacing. "No one walks out on me and gets away with it."

He continues to destroy my things, his rage unchecked. I can hear things crashing and breaking, and I feel helpless to stop him.

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