🔼Chapter 1: Something Is Wrong🔼

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**|This is probably very out of character of The Curator, The Narrator, TimeKeeper and Stanley or the main story, but I have seen many different versions of Narrator, Curator and Stanley so it shouldn't be that bad right?|**

**|Anyway; I hope you guys enjoy and keep in mind this is a spin on how I see the game, a non Canon story to the main plot and I have no ships cause I have no idea|**



. . .
Something was wrong.
The Curator didn't know know what, but something was off; something was different.
Usually she wouldn't leave her domain; She had her own domain and Narrator had his but when something was wrong she had to find the source of the issue.

It was so odd.
Walking down halls, hearing her heels echo through the halls.
That wasn't a good sign, it was far too quiet for her liking.
Something was missing.
No; Someone was missing.


Something was definitely wrong, feels felt out of place, missing and too peaceful.
Sure it was always quiet, but not this quiet.
She then paused.
There was that feeling again.
She looked down to hall, and to her horror her answers were right there. . .
Down the hall, she saw the familiar black and white texture that was spreading.
"Oh no. . ."


Narrator hadn't seen Stanley since his last reset.
Perhaps Stanley has taken a moment in the Broom Closet, that is a Stanley thing to do.-
Narrator sighed,"It appears we have a guest; The Curator-", "Narrator, get down here; This is an emergency!", he sighed, obviously annoyed but he got up and with a snap of his fingers he went down to the office.


Narrator turned to Curator,"You know you interrupted my work, can't you see how busy I am?", Curator glared at Narrator,"This is serious, Narrator! Something has happened!", she definitely was panicked, not like her usual self.
"Those 'things' are back, Narrator!"
She removed her glasses and wiped them,"They already began to kidnap the features of the story! The bucket, the adventure lineTM, Employee 432, the stanlutines, the offices and maybe even Stanley-", with that the Narrator seemed to have snapped to attention, he grabbed her shoulders and caught her off guard seeing how serious looked.
"They took Stanley?"
"I suspect it; Yes!"
She gulped,"I have no idea! All I know is, it has to have something to do with TimeKeeper!", Narrator frowned, Employee 432; It wouldn't surprise him.
"Why now though, why is TimeKeeper interfering!"
The Narrator ran his hand through his hair, The Curator folded her arms,"Look Narrator; I know you and I never got along, not in the slightest but we have to do something or those 'things' will get us or TimeKeeper will do something!", Narrator stared at her, he really hoped it wouldn't reach the office, the office that became a home from that day it all went down.
. . .
"Adventure Line."
Almost immediately, a yellow arrow appeared by his shoulder,"Find Stanley.", immediately it flopped to the ground and began to spread along the floor to give them a direction to Stanley.
"Come now; If what you are saying is too, we have no time to spare!"
So they ran after the Adventure Arrow.

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