🔼Chapter 5: Walking🔼

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Stanley and Mariella both would silently agree that walking with Narrator and Curator was like a nightmare.
Or. . .
It was like the parents just got into the argument and the whole family was sitting in an awkward silence.
Mariella would glance at Stanley, taking in what he looked like but he looked like an average man though he looked really tired, a scar on his forehead and was caring around a Bucket like it was his comfort item.

Eventually they came to a new section they had never seen before.
With Narrator and Curator spoke, Stanley tapped Mariella on the shoulder, then pointed to her briefcase.
"Oh. . . This is what I had on me, I dunno why I never dropped it or threw it to distract the monsters. What about you? Can I ask about. . . The Scar?", Stanley touched his forehead and nods.
'I got injured and ended up splitting my head, I didn't die but when I did and woke up it felt a huge scar.'
Ah. . .
They turned to the entities, Narrator snapped his fingers and they looked up.
"We'll take the walkway. I'm not sure when the monsters or entities will be flooding in but it's better to be somewhere high than somewhere in reach of them."
So Curator went up the metal stairs first, she stopped for a moment as she worried her heels would slow her down or fall through the obvious holes on the bridge.
So she took them off,"Smart decision.", Narrator followed after her, then Stanley and Mariella.
Turns out the Narrator proved to be right.

Down below, Mariella and Stanley could see monsters filing in and possibly looking for them.
All of them looked so. . . Different.
Some had TV and Different Computer Monitors as head but they all had this static on their screens.
They were wearing different clothes, suits, blouses, jumpsuits and it was like they were zombies, slowly looking for their prey and it didn't help that Stanley could see body parts such as someone's arm or ankle were bent in an ankle that was just. . . It made him uncomfortable to look at.

Stanley got off the walkway, offering his hand to Mariella who took it with a thankful smile.
Narrator and Curator were probably using what power of control they had left to regain control or find a zone that would keep them safe.
Then the Parable shook and the walls bent, the outside light shined in and it shocked them.
Mariella turned to Stanley, who had his eyes shut in fear and the monsters below them had this loud static sound ring through the room and making them all covering their eyes or shutting their eyes.
Mariella looked at Stanley, he had. . . He had this. . .
Strange glow to him that she didn't see before.
This golden glow and strange black stuff his fingers tips.

But something clicked in Mariella.

The walls were back to normal and the monsters stopped making the noise.
Narrator cleared his throat, taking out a pocket watch,"The Parable is falling apart, monsters from the outside could break in and tear about this safe place.", Curator nods,"We need to get moving.", Stanley, Curator and Narrator continued.
Though Mariella was frozen.
There was no way. . .
Right; She gripped her case and followed the others.

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